首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >EEG Coherence in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autistic Features

EEG Coherence in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autistic Features


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Until the advent of the DSM-5, the diagnostic systems excluded diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and Autism in the same child. However, much debate exists surrounding the validity of this exclusion, with a number of studies identifying individuals who meet the diagnostic criteria for both disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate Electroencephalogram (EEG) coherence differences between two groups of children with AD/HD, where one group exhibited a high level of autistic features (AD/HD+), and the other was low on autistic features (AD/HD-). EEG coherence is a measure of structural or functional connectivity between different cortical regions of the brain. 180 age and sex matched participants, between the ages of 8 and 13 years, were allocated to the AD/HD+ group, an AD/HD- group, or a control group. EEGs were recorded using an eyes-closed resting condition and Fourier transformed to provide coherence estimates in the delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands. The AD/HD- group had significantly elevated theta and beta coherences at short-medium inter-electrode distances intrahemispherically, and across all regions interhemispherically, in comparison to control subjects. Frontal and central/parietal/occipital delta interhemispheric coherences were also reduced. Conversely, in comparison to the AD/HD- group, children in the AD/HD+ group had significantly lower beta coherence at long-inter-electrode distances intrahemispherically, and across all regions interhemispherically. The current results suggest the existence of two independent disorders, distinguishable by their differing beta coherences.
机译:在DSM-5出现之前,诊断系统排除了同一儿童的注意力缺陷/多动障碍(AD/HD)和自闭症的诊断。然而,围绕这种排除的有效性存在很多争论,许多研究确定了符合这两种疾病诊断标准的个体。本研究的目的是调查两组 AD/HD 患儿之间的脑电图 (EEG) 相干性差异,其中一组表现出高水平的自闭症特征 (AD/HD+),另一组表现出低自闭症特征 (AD/HD-)。脑电图相干性是衡量大脑不同皮层区域之间结构或功能连接的指标。180 名年龄和性别匹配的参与者,年龄在 8 至 13 岁之间,被分配到 AD/HD+ 组、AD/HD- 组或对照组。使用闭眼休息条件记录脑电图,并进行傅里叶变换以提供 delta、theta、alpha 和 beta 波段的相干估计。与对照组相比,AD/HD- 组在半球内和半球间所有区域的中短电极间距离处的 θ 和 β 相干性显着升高。额叶和中央/顶叶/枕叶三角洲半球间相干性也降低。相反,与AD/HD-组相比,AD/HD+组的儿童在半球内和半球间所有区域的长电极间距离处的β相干性显着降低。目前的结果表明存在两种独立的疾病,可以通过它们不同的β相干性来区分。




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