
Flat out for the future


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Graphene is the dark material that could change electronics. But its discoverers want the fans to take a deep breath and calm down. TWO INCHES thick, five feet square and 380 feet above sea level, the Walk of Faith is a plate of glass embedded in the floor of the observation gallery atop Blackpool Tower. It provokes a range of reactions. Some eye the dare from 'a safe distance' and step gingerly around and across it; others stride straight onto the glass and gave it some trampoline treatment. Still, it's all perfectly safe because, the Tower's owners assert, the glass can support the weight of five baby elephants, assuming you could get them into the lift in the first place.
机译:石墨烯是一种可以改变电子学的深色材料。但它的发现者希望粉丝们深吸一口气,冷静下来。信仰之路厚两英寸,五英尺见方,海拔 380 英尺,是一块镶嵌在布莱克浦塔顶观景廊地板上的玻璃板。它激起了一系列反应。有些人从“安全距离”中看敢,小心翼翼地绕过它并穿过它;其他人则径直走到玻璃上,给它做了一些蹦床治疗。尽管如此,这一切都是完全安全的,因为塔楼的主人断言,玻璃可以支撑五头小象的重量,假设你一开始就能把它们送进电梯。




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