首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Formation of heterocyclic compounds from 1,3-diazabuta-1,3-diene derivatives

Formation of heterocyclic compounds from 1,3-diazabuta-1,3-diene derivatives




1528 J.C.S. Perkin IFormation of Heterocyclic Compounds f rom 1,3-Diazabuta-l,3-dieneDe r iva t ivesBy lsamu Matsuda," Sakae Yamamoto, and Yoshio Ishii, Department of Synthetic Chemistry, Faculty ofEngineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, JapanN-Trimethylsilyl(diphenylmethylene)amine gives quantitatively various open-chain 1.3-diazabutadienes (V) bycoupling with benzimidoyl chlorides. The 1.3-diazabutadienes react with isocyanates, diphenylketen, diketen (4-methyleneoxetan-2-one), and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate to give the 3.4-dihydro-I ,3,5-triazin-2 (1 H ) -ones(VI), the azetidinone (VIII), the dihydro-1.3-oxazinones (XII), and the pyrimidinone (XIV), respectively.1 ,~-CYCLOADDITION reactions of heteradienes would beexpected to be applicable to the synthesis of heterocycliccompounds containing two or more heteroatoms.Al-though many examples of dienes containing two nitrogenatoms are reported l y 2 there are few reports of the 1,3-di-azabuta-l,3-diene (N=C-N=C) ~ y s t e m . ~ One clear caseof cycloaddition of the N=C-N=C linkage, in the form-amidine derivatives (I), is reported, in which one C=Nbond is part of a heterocyclic ring.4We have reported that the 1 : 1 insertion product (11),M. Lora-Tamayo and J. L. Soto, ' 1,4-Cycloaddition Reac-W. Bartman, Chem. Bey., 1967, 100, 2938.C . Grundmann, G. Weisse, and S. Seide, Annalen, 1952,R. Richter and H. Ulrich, Chem. Bey., 1970, 103, 3525.tions,' ed. J. Hamer, Academic Press, New York, 1967, p. 179. 577, 771976 1529obtained in the reaction of N-trimethylsilyl(dipheny1- butadienes (V) with 1 equiv.of isocyanate in benzene,methy1ene)amine with phenyl isocyanate, behaves as a the dihydrotriazinones (VI) were obtained in good yieldsynthetic equivalent of the N=C-N=C system in that its as a result of 4 -+ 21 cycloaddition. The presence of anreaction with the dienophile A=B gave the formal 1,4- excess of isocyanate did not give any 2 : 1 cycloadduct,cycloaddition product (III).g*6 In this paper a simplified such as has been reported.2 The 1,3,5-triazinone struc-method for preparing 1,3-diazabutadienes and their ture (VI) was confirmed by the i.r. spectrum ( G O andHNMez (11 X = N or S (,/,C-N=C x bsol;PhPhcycloadditions to give four- or six-membered hetero-cycles, depending on the dienophiles, are described.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONPye9aYation of 1,3-Diaxabutadiertes.-The reaction ofN-trimethylsilyl(diphenylmethylene)amine with 1 equiv.of benzimidoyl chloride in benzene gave quantitativelyC=N stretching bands at 1 672-1 700 and 1 630-1 642cm-l, respectively). A 1 : 1 cycloadduct of the 1,3-di-azetidinone type from Z + 21 addition of isocyanatewith either C=N bond would show a G O stretching bandabove 1 750 cm-l.On the other hand, triazinone deriv-atives obtained from the reactions of isocyanates with2 equiv. of imine have C=O stretching bands at ca. 1 670TABLE 1Results of 4 fYieldsProduct R R' Conditions (I(VIa) Me Ph C6H6, reflux, 34 h 90(VIb) Et P h C,H,, reflux, 30 h 100(VIc) P h Ph C6H6, reflux.25 h 85(VId) Me Me CeH,, 95 "c," 180 h 68(VIe) Ph Me CH2C12, 45 OC," 173 h 78a In a21 cycloadditionsRecr ys t .jolvents M.p. ("C)MeOH 188-190MeOH 199-201MeOH 182.5-1 83.5MeOH 213.5-215sealed tube,EtOH 193.5-195-r (CDCl,) vmax./cm-' (KBr)6.98 (3 H, s)9.37 (3 H, t)6.36 (2 H, q)7.25 (3 H, s)7.06 (3 H, s)7.21 (3 H, s)1 686 (CZO), 1 640 (C:N)1 672 (C:O), 1 630 (C:N)1692 (CO), 1641 (CN)1688 (C:O), 1640 (CN)1700 (CIO), 1642 (C:N)the benzamidine derivatives (V), with elimination oftrimethylsilyl chloride. The same products (Va and c)were obtained from the reaction of diphenylmethylene-amine with benzimidoyl chloride in the presence oftriethylamine or 1,8-diazabicyclo5.4.OJundec-7-ene asacceptor of the hydrogen chloride generated.Howeverfollowing advantages: (a) no need for a hydrogencm-l.7 Although compounds (V) behaved as a hetera-1,3-diene toward isocyanates, they were less reactive thanbsol; ,Ph R' Ph, ,PhPhN//C N I I "Cbsol;/'0 II Ph /cbsol;N/c-o( i i i ) I + c - II 1use of N-trimet hylsilyl( diphenylmet h ylene) amine has thechloride acceptor; (b) isolation of (V) from the reaction (Y)ph I C * N RR(YI) R = Me,Et, or PhR'= Me o r Phthe analogues (I) because of the absence of the electron-(Y1 donating dimethylamino-group. This suggests that thefirst step in the cyclization is nucleophilic attack of theterminal imino-nitrogen atom at the central isocyanate2 + 21 CycZoadditiosz.-The reaction of compoundJ.P. Chupp and E. R. Weiss, J . Org. Chem., 1967, 33,Th Ph,C=N-SiMe, + I?:C=NR .+. RN=C-N=CPh, ( i i la;R=Me b;R = E tc ; R = P hmixture before carryingout cycloadditions is unnecessary; carbon The are summarized inand (c) the yield is higher. r4 $- '1 Cyczoaddition.-ln the reactions Of the 6 1. Matsuda, S. bsol; T a ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ o t o , and Y . Ishii, preceding paper.6 I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1972,678. 23571530 J.C.S. Perkin I(Va) with 1 equiv. of diphenylketen proceeded smoothlyat room temperature to give the azetidinone (VIII)quantitatively. The i.r. spectrum showed the presenceof a p-lactam (v- 1 746 cm-l) and a C=N double bond(1 648 cm-l). The unusual high-field proton resonanceof the N-methyl protons (T 8.39) could be caused by thediamagnetic anisotropy of the phenyl rings in the di-phenylmethyleneamino-group.The formation of thedihydropyrimidinone (IX) would be expected by analogyP h C=C= 0excludes the possibility of the 1,3-oxazinone structure(XIII) which might be expected to be formed throughthe zwitterionic intermediate (X). The appearance ofthe ions M+ - (MeN=CPh + H) (m/e 263) and 263 -NCO (mle 221) indicates the presence of a pendantN-methylbenzimidoyl group.The reaction path may be deduced from the structureof the product. Initial nucleophilic attack of the ter-minal nitrogen atom of (V) on the carbonyl carbon atomPhDc)SCHEME 1P t l ,C=N,Ph/C=NR ( a)lbsol;I 4- - + I C=O I_ MefMea ; R = M eb ; R PhSCHEME 2with the reactions with isocyanates.The differencebetween the reactions may be explained by steric factors:nucleophilic attack of C-6 a t C-1 to form (IX) would beinhibited by the four phenyl substituents.Reactions of Diketen (4-MethyZeneoxetan-2-orte) .-A dif-ferent type of heterocyclic compound, a 1 ,amp;oxazinone(XII), was obtained in the reaction of the heteradienes(V) with 1 equiv. of diketen. The n.m.r. spectra of(XIIa and b) showed C-methyl (7 8.51 and 8.46) andvinyl proton ( T 5.32 and 5.17) signals consistent with theassigned structure.8~~ The mass spectrum of (XIIa)of diketen to give the zwitterionic intermediate (X) ispresumably followed by cyclization involving attack atthe carbonyl carbon atom of (X) (Scheme 2). The reactionresembles that of the urea (11) with diketen, which isinitiated by nucleophilic attack of the amino-nitrogenatom of the urea on the carbonyl carbon atom of diketen.6Reaction of the Heteradiene (Vc) with Dimethyl Acetylene-dicarboxpamp;.-The reaction of (Vc) with 1 equiv.ofdimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate was carried out inethanol with the aim of effecting a pyrimidine synthesisby a 4 + 21 cycloaddition. Two products, the pyrimi-8 T. Kato and H. Sakamoto, Yakugaku Zasshi, 1967, 87, H. Suzuki, I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, Bull. Chern.1322. SOC. Japan, 1974, 47, 27361976 1531dinone (XIV) and bemophenone diethyl acetal (XV),were obtained, but not the expected pyrimidine (XVI).The structure of (XIV) was determined by elementalanalysis and Lr., n.m.r., and mass spectral data.TheEXPERIhlENTALI.r., n.m.r., u.v., and mass spectra were recorded withJASCA IR-403G and IR-S, JEOL C-GOHL, Hitachi 124, andJEOL JMS-O1SG instruments, respectively. N-Trimethyl-Ph, ,OEt (ivlNrsquo;~lsquo;CH C EtOH - I1 I1 i- c c Ph/ lsquo;OEtPhrsquo; lsquo;Nrsquo; lsquo; COzMe PhC0,MeICI + iii __cX = S or NRlsquo;presence of an O-methyl group (T 6.40), a vinyl proton( T 3.37), and two phenyl groups (7 ca. 2.83) was confirmedby the n.m.r. spectrum. Elemental analysis suggestedthe formula C,,H,,N,O,, consistent with the mole-cular ion peak at m/e 306. Other diagnostic frag-ment ions were Mf - PhCN (m/e 203) 203 - CO(m/e 175), and 175 -0Me (m/e 144). The acetal(XV) was identified by comparison (i.r. and n.m.r.spectra) with an authentic sample.The formationof both products involves, formally, a novel 3 + 31cyclization with elimination of a diphenylmethylene and0II0silyl(diphenylmethy1ene) amine and diphenylketen l2 wereprepared according to the literature. All reactions werecarried out under nitrogen. Analyses are summarized inTable 2.Preparation of 1,3-Diazabutadienes.-(i) N-Diphenyl-methydene-W-metlaylbenzumidine (Va) . A solution of N-methylbenzimidoyl chloride (0.38 g, 2.47 mmol) and N-tri-methylsilyl(diphenylmethylene)amine (0.63 g, 2.47 mmol)in benzene (4 ml) was heated for 24 h under reflux. Themixture was evaporated under reduced pressure and theresidue was washed with diethyl ether. The amidine (Va)was filtered off (0.74 g, quantitative) and gave pale yellowTABLE 2AnalysesFound () Re@ ()Formula CC,IHlSN2 84.4C22H2oN, 84.7C26HZON2 86.9C28H23NS0 80.45C2QH25N30 80.95C,SH,,N3O 82.55CZ8HZ,N,O 80.7CS5HZ8N20 85.45C25H!22N202 78.4C3oHz4NzO2 80.7ClSHIP2O3 70.8C23H21NS0 77.75a methoxy-group.Similar elimination of a methoxy-group from dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate to givecyclic compounds has been reported in the condensationof thiourea and guanidine derivatives with dimethylacetylenedicarboxylate reactions (v) .loJ1 The reaction(iv) thus has good precedent.lo J. MT. Lown and J . C. N. Ma, Calzad. J. Ckem., 1967, 45,l1 J. W. Lown and J . C. N. Ma, Canad. J . Chem., 1967, 45,939.953.H6.156.655.;9.48.857.8510.059.658.7511.8510.055.557.56.259.05lsquo; c84.5584.686.6580.5580.782.6577.780.5585.3578.581.0570.6H6.16.455.65.555.855.255.955.555.755.85.454.6N9.48.957.7510.059.768.7511.810.055.757.36.39.15needles on recrystallization from ethanol-n-hexane (3 : 1 ),m.p.135-136 OC, v,,,. (KBr) 1 627s and 1 614s cm-1 (CN),?r (CDCl,) 7.20 (3 H, s, NMe) and 2.3-2.8 (15 H, m, 3 Ph).When a solution of diphenylmethyleneamine (1.36 g,7.48 mmol), N-methylbenzimidoyl chloride (1.13 g, 7.35mmol), and triethylamine (1.41 g, 15.4 mmol) was refluxedfor 5 h, crude (Va) (1.64 g, 73) was also obtained after theremoval of triethylamine hydrochloride and. evaporation.l2 E.C. Taylor,1972, 52, 36.A. McKillop, and G. H. Hawks, Org. Synth.1532(ii) N-Diphenylmethylene-N'-etJ~ylbewainidiite (Vb) . Simi-larly compound (Vb) was obtained quantitatively fromN-ethylbenzimidoyl chloride (1.03 g , 6.12 mmol) and N-tri-methylsilyl(diphenylmethylene)amiiie (1.65 g , 6.50 mmol)in benzene (5 ml) , as pale yellow needles, n1.p 126.5-127.5 "C(from 90 aqueous ethanol), vmx (KBr) 1 623s and 1 606scm-' (C:N), T (CDCl,) 8.85 (3 H, t, iMe, J 7.0 Hz), 6.81 ( 2 H, q,CH,, J 7.0 Hz), and 2.3-2.9 (15 H, m, 3 Ph).(iii) N-Diphenylmethylene-N'~JieizyIbe~~~amidine (Vc) .Compound (Vc) was obtained quantitatively by the sametreatment from N-phenylbenzimidoyl chloride (0.37 g,1.7 1 mmol) and N-trimethylsilyl(diphenylmet1iylene) amine(0.46 g , 1.79 mmol) in benzene ( 5 ml) , as yellow needles, m.p.142-143 "C (from ethanol), v,, (KBr) 1 626s and 1 609scm-f (CN) .When a solution of diphenylniethyleneniine (2.66 g,14.7 mmol), N-phenylbenzimidoyl chloride (2.75 g, 12.8mmol) , and 1,8-diazabicyclo5.4.0undec-7-ene (DBU) (2.11g, 15.3 mmol) in benzene was refluxed for 3 h, crude (Vc)(2.78 g, 60) was also obtained (after removal of DBUhydrochloride and evaporation).4 + 23 Cycloadditions.-A typical procedurc is describedfor the lieteradiene (Va).Results and reaction conditionsare summarized in Table 1. h solution of (Va) (1.36 g,4.56 mmol) and phenyl isocyanate (0.59 g, 5.01 mmol) inbenzene (5 ml) was heated under reflux. After 36 h thebenzene was evaporated off under reduced prcssure and theresidue was washed with cliethyl ether.Crude 3,4-di-hydvo- 1 -metlzyE-3 , 4,4,6-tetrapheiyZ- 1,3,5-fviazin-2 ( 1H) -one(VIa) was filtered off (1.71 g, 90;;); it crystallized frommethanol as a white powder.Reaction of Diphenylketen with the IIetes.adieize (Va) .-A solution of N-methylbenzimidoyl chloride (0.42 g, 2.32nimol) and N-trimethylsilyl( diphenylmethylene) amine(0.62 g, 2.45 mmol) in benzene ( 3 ml) was heated for 20 hunder reflux. Methylene chloride (4 ml) and diphenylketen(0.38 Q, 2.00 mmol) were added, and the mixture was keptfor 24 11 a t room temperature. The solvent was evaporatedoff under reduced pressure a i d the residue was washed withether. Recrystallization from chloroform-n-hesane (1 : 2)gave prisms of 4-diphenylmetJ~ylenet1mi.pzo-l-methyl-3,3,4-tvi-~~ienylazetidi9z-Z-one (VIII) (82), n1.p. 156-157 "C, amp;(EtOH) 250 nm (log E 4.93), vmx.(KBr) 1746s (C:O) andJ.C.S. Perkin I1648m cm-l (CZN), T (CDC1,) 8.39 ( 3 H, s, NMe) and 2.3-3.2 (25 H , m, 5 Ph).Reactions of Diketerc with the Heteradienes (V) .-(i) 2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-3-(N-methylbenzinzidoyl) -2 , 2-diphenyl- 1,3-oxazin-4-one (XIIa) . A solution of N-methylbenzimidoylchloride (0.41 g, 2.66 mmol) and N-trimethylsilyl(dipheny1-methy1ene)amine (0.69 g, 2.72 mmol) in benzene was re-fluxed for 20 h. After evaporation, the residue was dis-solved in methylene chloride ( 2 ml) and diketen (0.19 g,2.32 mmol) was added. The mixture was heated for 19 ha t 90-100 "C in a sealed tube.Evaporation, washing withdiethyl ether, and recrystallization from methylene chloride-hexane gave the oxazinone (0.58 g, 65) as white needlesm.p. 261-262 "C, v,, (KBr) 1710s and 1686s (C:O) and1 640s cm-l (GIN), T (CDCl,) 8.51 ( 3 H, s, CMe), 7.15 ( 3 H, s,C=CH), and 2.3-2.8 (15 HI m, 3 Ph).(ii) 2,3-Dihydro-6-methytyl-2,2-dipJ~en~l-3-(N~henylbenz-e'midoyZ)-1, 3-oxazin-4-one (XIIb) . An analogous procedurewith diketen (0.13 g, 1.54 mmol) and (Vc) obtained in situfrom N-phenylbenzimidoyl chloride (0.74 g, 2.18 mmol) andN-trimethylsilyl(diphenylmethylene)amine (0.56 g, 2.22mmol) in benzene, gave the oxazinone (XIIb) (0.39 g, 57)as white needles, m.p. 170-172 "C (from ethanol), vmaK(KBr) 1706s and 1700s (C:O) and 1648s cm-l (CZN),T (CDC1,) 8.46 ( 3 H, s, CMe), 5.17 ( 1 H, s, CH), and 2.3-3.2 (20 H , m, 4 Ph).Reaction of Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate with t hHeteradiene (Vb).-An ethanolic solution (20 ml) of (Vb)(0.25 g, 0.69 mmol) and dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate(0.10 g, 0.70 mmol) was heated for 48 h under reflux. Theethanol was evaporated off under reduced pressure. Theresidue was washed with diethyl ether and the product wasfiltered off and recrystallized from benzene-n-hexane (1 : 2 )t o give pale yellow needles (as), m.p. 162-163 "C, vmX.(KBr) 1 752s and 1 656s cm-l (C:O), T (CDCl,) 6.40 ( 3 H, s,OMe), 3.37 ( 1 H, s, C=CH), and 2.7-3.1 (20 H, m, 4 Ph).Benzophenone diethyl acetal (0.09 g, 53) was obtainedfrom the filtrate by evaporation and washing the residuewith 50 aqueous ethanol, as white needles, m.p. 51-52 "C(from 2 : 1 ethanol-water), T (CDC1,) 8.86 (6 H, t, CMe),6.75 ( 4 H, q, OCH,), and 2.4-2.9 (10 H, m, 2 Ph).5/2496 Received, 22nd December, 1975
机译:1528 J.C.S. Perkin IFormation of Heterocyclic Compounds f rom 1,3-Diazabuta-l,3-dieneDe r iva t ives作者:lsamu Matsuda,“Sakae Yamamoto 和 Yoshio Ishii,名古屋大学工程学院合成化学系,Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, JapanN-三甲基硅基(二苯亚甲基)胺通过与苯并酰亚胺酰氯偶联,定量给出各种开链 1.3-二氮杂丁二烯 (V)。1.3-二氮杂丁二烯与异氰酸酯、二苯基乙烯酮、二酮(4-亚甲基氧杂环丁烷-2-酮)和乙炔二甲酸二甲酯反应,分别得到3.4-二氢-I,3,5-三嗪-2(1H)-酮(VI)、氮杂环丁酮(VIII)、二氢-1.3-恶嗪酮(XII)和嘧啶酮(XIV)。Al-尽管有许多含有两个氮原子的二烯的例子被报道 l y 2,但很少有关于 1,3-二氮杂丁烷-l,3-二烯 (N=C-N=C) ~ y s t e m 的报道。~ 报道了一种明显的 N=C-N=C 键环加成的案例,形式为脒衍生物 (I),其中一 C=Nbond 是杂环的一部分.4 我们已经报道了 1 : 1 插入产物 (11),M. Lora-Tamayo和 J. L. Soto,' 1,4-环加成反应-W。Bartman, Chem. Bey., 1967, 100, 2938.C .Grundmann, G. Weisse, and S. Seide, Annalen, 1952,R. Richter and H. Ulrich, Chem. Bey., 1970, 103, 3525.tions', ed. J. Hamer, Academic Press, New York, 1967, p.179. 577,771976 1529在N-三甲基硅基(二苯1-丁二烯(V)与1当量的异氰酸酯在苯、甲基1烯)胺与苯基异氰酸酯的反应中得到,表现为二氢三嗪酮(VI)以良好的收率合成当量得到N=C-N=C体系,因为它是[4-+21环加成反应的结果。与亲二烯试剂A=B反应的存在得到正式的1,4-过量的异氰酸酯,不产生任何2:1环加合物,环加成产物(III).g*6在本文中报道了一种简化的如.2制备1,3,5-三嗪酮结构法制备1,3-二氮杂丁二烯及其ture(VI)通过i.r.谱(G O和HNMez(11 X = N或S (,/,描述了 C-N=C< x \PhPhcyclo 加成反应以产生四元或六元杂环,具体取决于亲二烯菌。结果与讨论1,3-二苯丁二酯-N-三甲基硅基(二苯亚甲基)胺与1当量苯亚胺酰氯在苯中的反应分别在1 672-1 700和1 630-1 642cm-l处定量得到C=N拉伸带。从[Z + 21添加C=N键的异氰酸酯,1,3-二氮杂环丁酮型的1 : 1环加合物显示G O拉伸带超过1 750 cm-l。另一方面,由异氰酸酯与2当量亚胺反应得到的三嗪酮衍生物在ca处具有C=O拉伸带。1 670表 1[4 fYieldsProduct R R' 条件 (%I(VIa) Me Ph C6H6, 回流, 34 h 90(VIb) Et P h C,H,, 回流, 30 h 100(VIc) P h Ph C6H6, reflux.25 h 85(VId) Me Me CeH,, 95 “c,” 180 h 68(VIe) Ph Me CH2C12, 45 OC,“ 173 h 78a In a21 cycloadditionsRecr ys t .jolvents M.p. (”C)MeOH 188-190MeOH 199-201MeOH 182.5-1 83.5MeOH 213.5-215密封管,乙醇 193.5-195-r (CDCl,) 最大最大值/cm-' (KBr)6.98 (3 H, s)9.37 (3 H, t)6.36 (2 H, q)7.25 (3 H, s)7.06 (3 H, s)7.21 (3 H, s)1 686 (CZO), 1 640 (C:N)1 672 (C:O), 1 630 (C:N)1692 (CO), 1641 (CN)1688 (C:O), 1640 (CN)1700 (CIO), 1642(C:N)苯甲脒衍生物(V),消除三甲基氯硅烷。二苯亚甲基胺与苯甲酰氯在三乙胺或1,8-二氮杂双环[5.4.OJundec-7-烯作为氯化氢受体存在下反应得到相同的产物(Va和c)。然而,以下优点:(a)不需要氢cm-l.7尽管化合物(V)对异氰酸酯表现为庚-1,3-二烯,但它们的反应性低于\,Ph R'Ph,,PhPhN//C N I I “C\/'0 II Ph /c\N/c-%o( i i i ) I + c - II 1使用N-三甲基甲酰硅基(二苯基甲基hylene)胺具有氯化物受体;(b) 从反应中分离出 (V) (Y)ph I C * N RR(YI) R = Me,Et, or PhR'= Me o r Ph 类似物 (I) 因为没有电子-(Y1 供体二甲氨基。这表明环化的第一步是末端亚氨基氮原子在中心异氰酸酯[2 + 21 CycZoadditiosz.-化合物J.P.的反应的亲核攻击。Chupp 和 E. R. Weiss,J .Org. Chem., 1967, 33,Th Ph,C=N-SiMe, + I?:C=NR .+.RN=C-N=CPh, ( i i la;R=我 b;R = E tc ;R = P h混合液在进行环加成之前是不必要的;碳 总结为 (c) 收率更高。r4 $- '1 Cyczo加成.-ln 反应 6 1.松田 , S. \ T a ~ ~~ a ~ ~ o t o 和 Y .石井,前一篇论文.6 I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1972,678.23571530 J.C.S. Perkin I(Va)与1当量的二苯基酮在室温下顺利进行,定量得到氮杂环丁酮(VIII)。红外光谱显示存在对内酰胺(v-1 746 cm-l)和C=N双键(1 648 cm-l)。N-甲基质子(T 8.39)不寻常的高场质子共振可能是由二苯亚甲基氨基中苯基环的抗磁各向异性引起的。二氢嘧啶酮 (IX) 的形成可以通过类比P h C=C= 0 排除 1,3-恶嗪酮结构 (XIII) 的可能性,该结构可能通过两性离子中间体 (X) 形成。离子 M+ - (MeN=CPh + H) (m/e 263) 和 263 -NCO (mle 221) 的出现表明存在侧链 N-甲基苯亚胺基。反应路径可以从产物的结构中推导出来。(V)末端氮原子对羰基碳原子的初始亲核攻击PhDc)方案 1P t l ,C=N,Ph/C=NR ( a)l\I 4- - + I C=O I_ MefMea ;R = M eb ;R PhSCHEME 2与异氰酸酯反应。反应之间的差异可以用空间因素来解释:C-6 a t C-1 的亲核攻击会受到四种苯基取代基的抑制。己烯(V)与1当量的二烯酮反应,得到Diketen(4-MethyZeneoxetan-2-orte).-一种不同类型的杂环化合物,即1,&恶嗪酮(XII)。(XIIa和b)的n.m.r.谱图显示,C-甲基(7,8.51和8.46)和乙烯基质子(T,5.32和5.17)的信号与指定的结构一致.8~~ 二酮的(XIIa)质谱图得到两性离子中间体(X)后,可能随后发生环化反应,涉及对(X)的羰基碳原子的攻击(方案2)。该反应类似于尿素(11)与二酮的反应,其是由尿素的氨基氮原子对二酮的羰基碳原子的亲核攻击引发的.6己二烯(Vc)与二甲基乙炔二甲酸酯的反应是(Vc)与1当量乙炔二甲酸酯的反应在乙醇中进行,目的是通过[4+21环加成反应实现嘧啶合成.嘧啶-8 T. Kato 和 H. Sakamoto,Yakugaku Zasshi,1967 年,87 年,H. Suzuki,I. Matsuda,K. Itoh 和 Y. Ishii,Bull。Chern.1322. SOC.日本,1974,47,27361976 1531二酮(XIV)和苯二乙醇(XV),但未得到预期的嘧啶(XVI)。(XIV)的结构由元素分析、Lr.、n.m.r.和质谱数据确定。分别使用JASCA IR-403G和IR-S、JEOL C-GOHL、Hitachi 124和JEOL JMS-O1SG仪器记录了EXPERIhlENTALI.r.、n.m.r.、u.v.和质谱图。N-三甲基-Ph, ,OEt (ivlN'~'CH C EtOH - I1 I1 i- c c Ph/ 'OEtPh' 'N' ' COzMe PhC0,MeICI + iii __cX = S 或 NR' 存在一个 O-甲基 (T 6.40)、一个乙烯基质子 ( T 3.37) 和两个苯基 (7 ca. 2.83) 通过 N.M.R. 光谱证实。元素分析表明,分子式C,,H,,N,O,与m/e 306处的摩尔离子峰一致。其他诊断性离子包括Mf-PhCN(m/e 203)、203-CO(m/e 175)和175-0Me(m/e 144)。通过与真实样品的比较(i.r.和n.m.r.光谱)鉴定缩醛(XV)。根据文献,两种产物的形成在形式上涉及消除二苯亚甲基和0II0硅烷基(二苯基甲基1烯)胺和二苯基酮l2的新型[3+31环化反应。所有反应均在氮气下进行。分析总结于表2.1,3-二氮杂丁二烯-(i)N-二苯基-甲乙基-W-甲基苯并脒(Va)的制备。N-甲基苯亚胺酰氯(0.38g,2.47mmol)和N-三甲基硅基(二苯亚甲基)胺(0.63g,2.47mmol)在苯(4ml)中回流加热24小时。将混合物减压蒸发,并用乙醚洗涤唷缩水。滤去脒(Va)(0.74 g,定量)并得到淡黄色表2分析发现(%)Re@(%)式CC,IHlSN2 84.4C22H2oN,84.7C26HZON2 86.9C28H23NS0 80.45C2QH25N30 80.95C,SH,,N3O 82.55CZ8HZ,N,O 80.7CS5HZ8N20 85.45C25H!22N202 78.4C3oHz4NzO2 80.7ClSHIP2O3 70.8C23H21NS0 77.75a甲氧基。在硫脲和胍衍生物与二甲基乙炔二甲羧酸酯的缩合反应中,已经报道了从二甲基乙炔二甲酸酯中消除甲氧基的类似反应.loJ1因此反应(iv)具有良好的先例.lo J. MT. Lown 和 J .C. N. 马, 卡尔扎德.J. Ckem., 1967, 45,l1 J. W. Lown 和 J .C. N. 马, 加拿大. J .化学, 1967, 45,939.953.H6.156.655.“9.48.857.8510.059.658.7511.8510.055.557.56.259.05' c84.5584.686.6580.5580.782.6577.780.5585.3578.581.0570.6H6.16.455.65.555.855.255.955.555.755.85.454.6N9.48.957.7510.059.768.7511.810.055.757.36.39.15针头重结晶乙醇-正己烷(3:1),m.p.135-136 OC,v,,,.(KBr) 1 627s和1 614s cm-1 (CN),?r (CDCl,) 7.20 (3 H, s, NMe) 和 2.3-2.8 (15 H, m, 3 Ph)。当将二苯亚甲基胺(1.36 g,7.48 mmol)、N-甲基苯甲酰亚胺酰氯(1.13 g,7.35 mmol)和三乙胺(1.41 g,15.4 mmol)的溶液回流5 h时,粗品(Va)(1.64 g, 73%) 在去除盐酸三乙胺和蒸发后也得到.l2 E.C. Taylor,1972, 52, 36.A. McKillop, and G. H. Hawks, Org. Synth.1532(ii) N-二苯基亚甲基-N'-etJ~ylbewainidiite (Vb) .从N-乙基苯酰亚胺酰氯(1.03 g,6.12 mmol)和N-三甲基硅基(二苯亚甲基)胺(1.65 g,6.50 mmol)的苯(5 ml)中定量得到Simi-larly化合物(Vb),为淡黄色针状物,n1.p 126.5-127.5“C(来自90%乙醇水溶液),vmx(KBr)1 623s和1 606scm-'(C:N),T(CDCl,)8.85(3 h,t,iMe,J 7.0 Hz),6.81(2 h, q,CH,, J 7.0 Hz)和2.3-2.9(15 H,m,3 Ph)。(iii) N-二苯亚甲基-N'~JieizyIbe~~~脒(Vc) .将N-苯基苯甲酰亚胺基氯(0.37 g,1.7 1 mmol)和N-三甲基硅基(二苯基甲基1iylene)胺(0.46 g,1.79 mmol)在苯(5 ml)中的溶液定量得到化合物(Vc),为黄针状物,熔点为142-143“C(来自乙醇)、v,、(KBr)1 626s和1 609scm-f(CN)。将二苯基镍乙烯(2.66 g,14.7 mmol)、N-苯基苯三酰亚胺酰氯(2.75 g,12.8 mmol)和1,8-二氮杂双环[5.4.0]十一碳-7-烯(DBU)(2.11g,15.3 mmol)的苯溶液回流3 h,还得到粗品(Vc)(2.78 g,60%)(除去DBU盐酸盐并蒸发后)。[4 + 23 环加成.-描述了一种典型的过程对于 lieteradiene (Va)。结果和反应条件汇总于表1中。(Va)(1.36 g,4.56 mmol)和异氰酸苯酯(0.59 g,5.01 mmol)苯(5ml)在回流下加热。36 h后,在还原液下蒸发掉苯,并用乙醚洗涤。滤去粗品3,4-二氢-1-甲基E-3,4,4,6-四氟杂嗪-1,3,5-fviazin-2(1H)-酮(VIa)(1.71g,90;;);它由甲醇结晶为白色粉末。将二苯基酮与N-甲基苯亚胺酰氯(0.42 g,2.32nimol)和N-三甲基硅基(二苯亚甲基)胺(0.62 g,2.45 mmol)在苯(3 ml)中的IIetes.adieize(Va).-A溶液加热回流20小时。加入二氯甲烷(4 ml)和二苯基乙烯酮(0.38 Q,2.00 mmol),将混合物在室温下保存24 11 a t。将溶剂在减压下蒸发掉,残留物用乙醚洗涤。氯仿-n-己烷(1:2)重结晶得到4-二苯基甲基J~ylenet1mi.pzo-l-甲基-3,3,4-tvi-~~ienyl氮杂环丁烷9z-Z-酮(VIII)(82%),n1.p。156-157“C,&(EtOH)250nm(log E 4.93),vmx。(KBr) 1746s (C:O) 和 J.C.S.Perkin I1648m cm-l (CZN), T (CDC1,) 8.39 ( 3 H, s, NMe) 和 2.3-3.2 (25 H , m, 5 Ph)。Diketerc与己二烯(V)-(i)2,3-二氢-6-甲基-3-(N-甲基苯并肼酰基)-2,2-二苯基-1,3-恶嗪-4-酮(XIIa)的反应。将N-甲基苯甲酰亚胺酰氯(0.41 g,2.66 mmol)和N-三甲基硅基(dipheny1-methy1ene)胺(0.69 g,2.72 mmol)在苯中的溶液重新通焊20 h。蒸发后,将残余物溶于二氯甲烷(2ml)和二酮(0.19 g,2.32 mmol)加入。将混合物在密封管中加热19公顷t90-100“C。蒸发,用乙醚洗涤,二氯甲烷-己烷重结晶,得到噁嗪酮(0.58 g,65%),为白色针状sm.p。261-262“C,v,,(KBr)1710s和1686s(C:O)和1 640s cm-l(GIN),T(CDCl,)8.51(3 H,s,CMe),7.15(3 H,s,C=CH)和2.3-2.8(15 HI m,3 Ph)。(ii) 2,3-二氢-6-甲基-2,2-dipJ~en~l-3-(N~henylbenz-e'midoyZ)-1,3-恶嗪-4-酮(XIIb)。用二酮(0.13 g,1.54 mmol)和(Vc)[原位获得从N-苯基苯甲酰氯(0.74 g,2.18 mmol)和N-三甲基硅基(二苯基亚甲基)胺(0.56 g,2.22mmol)在苯中的溶液],得到噁嗪酮(XIIb)(0.39 g,57%)作为白针,熔点170-172“C(来自乙醇),vmaK(KBr)1706s和1700s(C:O)和1648s cm-l(CZN),T(CDC1,)8.46(3 h, s,CMe),5.17(1 H,s,C%H)和2.3-3.2(20 H,m,4 Ph)。乙炔二甲酸二甲酯与t hHeteradiene (Vb)-(Vb)(0.25 g,0.69 mmol)和乙炔二甲酸二甲酯(0.10 g,0.70 mmol)的乙醇溶液(20ml)在回流下加热48小时。乙醇在减压下蒸发掉。用乙醚洗涤啃基,滤去产物,从苯-正己烷(1:2)t中重结晶,得到淡黄色针状物(as%),熔点162-163“C,vmX。(KBr) 1 752s 和 1 656s cm-l (C:O), T (CDCl,) 6.40 ( 3 H, s,OMe), 3.37 ( 1 H, s, C=CH) 和 2.7-3.1 (20 H, m, 4 Ph)。二苯甲酮二乙缩醛(0.09 g,53%)通过蒸发和洗涤残留物,用50%乙醇水溶液洗涤,为白色针状,熔点为51-52“C(来自2:1乙醇-水)、T(CDC1,)8.86(6 H,t,CMe),6.75(4 H,q,OCH,)和2.4-2.9(10 h,m,2 Ph)。[5/2496 收稿日期, 1975年12月22日




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