首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >Suppressing the continuous noise of photoreceptor rods under the action of negative feedback formed by a horizontal cell

Suppressing the continuous noise of photoreceptor rods under the action of negative feedback formed by a horizontal cell


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This paper gives estimates of the SNR for a one-photon signal and the continuous noise of photoreceptor rods. It shows that negative feedback mediated via the horizontal cell needs to be taken into account when the reaction of the retina of the eye to low-level illumination is calculated. The influence of negative feedback increases the SNR by an order of magnitude relative to the signal when it is transmitted from the photoreceptor to the bipolar cell, and this agrees with the experimental data. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America
机译:本文给出了单光子信号的信噪比和感光棒连续噪声的估计值。它表明,在计算眼睛视网膜对低水平照明的反应时,需要考虑通过水平细胞介导的负反馈。当信号从感光器传输到双极细胞时,负反馈的影响使信噪比相对于信号增加一个数量级,这与实验数据一致。(C) 2020 年美国光学学会




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