首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >A methodology to assess the population size and estimate the needed resources for new licensed medications by combining clinical and administrative databases: The example of glycated haemoglobin in type 2 diabetes

A methodology to assess the population size and estimate the needed resources for new licensed medications by combining clinical and administrative databases: The example of glycated haemoglobin in type 2 diabetes

机译:一种通过结合临床和行政数据库来评估人口规模和估计新许可药物所需资源的方法:糖化血红蛋白在 2 型糖尿病中的例子

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Purpose: To develop and validate a model to estimate glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) values in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) using a clinical data source, with the aim to apply this equation to administrative databases.Methods: Using a primary care and administrative Italian databases, namely the Health Search database (HSD) and the ReS (Ricerca e Salute) database, we selected all patients aged 18 years or older on 31 December 2018 being diagnosed with T2DM and without prior prescription of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors. We included patients prescribed with and adherent to metformin. HSD was used to develop and test (using 2019 data as well) the algorithm imputing HbA1c values >= 7 according to a series of covariates. The algorithm was gathered by combining beta-coefficients being estimated by logistic regression models using complete case (excluding missing values) and imputed (after multiple imputation) dataset. The final algorithm was applied to ReS database using the same covariates.Results: The tested algorithms were able to explain 17-18 variation in assessing HbA1c values. Good discrimination (70) and calibration were obtained as well. The best algorithm (three) cut-offs, namely those providing correct classifications ranging 66-70 was therefore calculated and applied to ReS database. By doing so, from 52 999 (27.9, 95 CI: 27.7-28.1) to 74 250 (40.1, 95 CI: 38.9-39.3) patients were estimated with HbA1c >= 7.Conclusion: Through this methodology, healthcare authorities should be able to quantify the population eligible to a new licensed medication, such as SGLT-2 inhibitors, and to simulate scenarios to assess reimbursement criteria according to precise estimates.
机译:目的:开发和验证使用临床数据源估计 2 型糖尿病 (T2DM) 患者糖化血红蛋白 (HbA1c) 值的模型,目的是将该方程式应用于管理数据库。方法:使用意大利初级保健和行政数据库,即健康搜索数据库 (HSD) 和 ReS (Ricerca e Salute) 数据库,我们选择了 2018 年 12 月 31 日被诊断患有 T2DM 且未事先开具钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白-2 (SGLT-2) 抑制剂处方的所有 18 岁或以上患者。我们纳入了使用二甲双胍处方和依从使用二甲双胍的患者。HSD 用于开发和测试(也使用 2019 年的数据)根据一系列协变量估算 HbA1c 值 >= 7% 的算法。该算法通过使用完整案例(不包括缺失值)和插补(多次插补后)数据集的逻辑回归模型估计的 beta 系数进行组合来收集。最终算法使用相同的协变量应用于 ReS 数据库。结果:测试的算法能够解释评估 HbA1c 值的 17%-18% 变化。还获得了良好的鉴别力(70%)和校准。因此,计算了最佳算法(三个)临界值,即提供66%-70%正确分类的临界值,并将其应用于ReS数据库。通过这样做,估计从 52 999 名(27.9,95% CI:27.7%-28.1%)到 74 250 名(40.1%,95% CI:38.9%-39.3%)患者的 HbA1c >= 7%。结论:通过这种方法,医疗保健当局应该能够量化有资格获得新许可药物(如SGLT-2抑制剂)的人群,并模拟情景,根据精确的估计来评估报销标准。




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