
The Acromegaly Syndrome




SUMMARYOne hundred and fifty-five acromegalics, 76 males (mean age 44±1.3 years) and 79 females (45±1.4 years) were studied. The frequency of clinical features were: acral enlargement 100 per cent, hyperhidrosis 65 per cent, headache 55 per cent, paraesthesiae 49 per cent, cardiac problems 34 per cent, hypertension 32 per cent, diabetes mellitus (clinical and chemical) 27 per cent, and visual field defects 6 per cent Signs and symptoms, and particularly headache, did not show any relation with the size or shape of pituitary tumours, nor with growth hormone (GH) values, age, sex or weight Mean of GH values at 60, 90 and 120 minutes during a GTT averaged 135 mIU/I, range 8–1833. Diabetes mellitus was more frequent and severe in patients with higher GH values, occurring in 32 per cent of patients with mean GH values≧50 mIU/1 and only in 16 per cent of the rest (p<0.05).GH values correlated positively with size of tumours. Forty-nine per cent of patients presented with entirely intrasellar tumours, 27 per cent with suprasellar extensions and 23 per cent with partially empty sellae. The mean GH (238 mIU/I) of patients with suprasellar extensions was significantly higher (p<0.004) than those of the others. Younger acromegalics showed a tendency to larger tumours.Early treatment of acromegaly, particularly in young patients and those presenting with high GH values, is recomm
机译:摘要研究了155例肢端肥大症患者,其中男性76例(平均年龄44±1.3岁)和女性79例(45±1.4岁)。临床特征的发生率为:肢端肿大 100%,多汗症 65%,头痛 55%,感觉异常 49%,心脏问题 34%,高血压 32%,糖尿病(临床和化学)27%,视野缺损 6% 体征和症状,尤其是头痛,与垂体瘤的大小或形状没有任何关系, 与生长激素 (GH) 值、年龄、性别或体重无关 GTT 期间 60、90 和 120 分钟的 GH 值平均值平均为 135 mIU/I,范围 8-1833。在生长激素值较高的患者中,糖尿病更常见和更严重,平均生长激素值≧50 mIU/1的患者中发生率为32%,其余患者中仅发生16%(p<0.05)。生长激素值与肿瘤大小呈正相关。49%的患者表现为完全鞍内肿瘤,27%表现为鞍上延伸,23%表现为部分空荡荡。鞍上延伸患者的平均GH(238 mIU/I)显著高于其他患者(p<0.004)。年轻的肢端肥大症患者表现出较大肿瘤的倾向。肢端肥大症的早期治疗,尤其是年轻患者和生长激素值高的患者,应得到建议




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