首页> 外文期刊>IEEE microwave magazine >Maintaining statistics counters in router line cards

Maintaining statistics counters in router line cards


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Packet switches (that is, IP routers and ATM and Ethernet switches) maintain statistics for performance monitoring, network management, security, network tracing, and traffic engineering. Counters usually collect such statistics as the number of arrivals of a specific packet type or they count a particular event, such as when the network drops a packet. A packet's arrival can lead to the updating of several different statistics counters. The number of statistics counters in a network device and their rate of update are often limited by memory technology. On-chip registers or SRAM (on-or off-chip) can hold a few counters. Often, a network device has to maintain many counters and therefore must store them in off-chip DRAM. But the large random access times of DRAMs make their use difficult when supporting high-bandwidth links. The time it takes to read, update, and write a single counter would be too long, and worse still, each arriving packet can trigger the update of multiple counters. To alleviate these problems, we use a well-known architecture for storing and updating statistics counters. This approach maintains smaller-size counters in fast (potentially on-chip) SRAM, while maintaining full-size counters in a large, slower DRAM. Our goal is to ensure that the system always correctly maintains counter values at line rate. An optimal counter management algorithm (CMA) minimizes the required SRAM size while ensuring correct line-rate operation for a large number of counters.
机译:数据包交换机(即 IP 路由器以及 ATM 和以太网交换机)维护性能监控、网络管理、安全性、网络跟踪和流量工程的统计信息。计数器通常收集诸如特定数据包类型的到达次数之类的统计信息,或者它们对特定事件进行计数,例如网络丢弃数据包时。数据包的到达可能会导致多个不同统计信息计数器的更新。网络设备中统计计数器的数量及其更新速率通常受到内存技术的限制。片上寄存器或SRAM(片上或片外)可以容纳几个计数器。通常,网络设备必须维护许多计数器,因此必须将它们存储在片外 DRAM 中。但是,DRAM的随机访问时间较长,因此在支持高带宽链路时难以使用。读取、更新和写入单个计数器所需的时间太长,更糟糕的是,每个到达的数据包都可能触发多个计数器的更新。为了缓解这些问题,我们使用众所周知的体系结构来存储和更新统计计数器。这种方法在快速(可能是片上)SRAM中保持较小尺寸的计数器,同时在较慢的大型DRAM中保持全尺寸计数器。我们的目标是确保系统始终正确地保持线速的计数器值。最佳计数器管理算法 (CMA) 可最大限度地减小所需的 SRAM 尺寸,同时确保大量计数器的正确线速操作。




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