首页> 外文期刊>Austral Entomology >New species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) damaging flower buds of ornamental AlstroemeriaAlstroemeria plants

New species of gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) damaging flower buds of ornamental AlstroemeriaAlstroemeria plants


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Alstroemeria (Liliales: Alstroemeriaceae) is a plant genus native to South America with many interspecific hybrids cultivated as ornamentals worldwide. Several yellow larvae of an undescribed gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were found feeding inside flower buds of Alstroemeria plants grown in production greenhouses in South Australia in 2013; Queensland, Australia, in 2015 and the Netherlands in 2016. Infested buds became malformed, did not produce flowers and turned necrotic later. In Queensland and the Netherlands, the necrotised buds became additionally infected by a saprophytic fungus Cladosporium sp. With up to 80 of flower buds infested, the new gall midge decreased the value of plants aimed for the cut flower market and reduced seed of reproduction plants. The new species, named Contarinia jongi Kolesik sp. nov., is described, and a segment of its Cytochrome Oxidase unit I mitochondrial gene is sequenced. This is the first gall midge known to feed on a host plant from the family Alstroemeriaceae. Previously, Alstroemeria cut flowers imported from Australia and New Zealand to Japan were found to contain viable larvae of the new species, demonstrating that the new species can spread with the flower trade. It is possible that Contarinia jongi is native to South America, the homeland of its host plant.
机译:Alstroemeria(百合:Alstroemeriaceae)是一种原产于南美洲的植物属,在世界范围内有许多种间杂交种作为观赏植物栽培。2013 年,在南澳大利亚生产温室中种植的 Alstroemeria 植物的花蕾内发现了几种未描述的瘿蠓(双翅目:Cecidomyiidae)的黄色幼虫;澳大利亚昆士兰州,2015年,荷兰,2016年。受感染的芽变得畸形,不开花,后来坏死。在昆士兰州和荷兰,坏死的芽还被腐生真菌Cladosporium sp感染。由于高达80%的花蕾受到侵扰,新的瘿蠓降低了针对切花市场的植物的价值,并减少了繁殖植物的种子。描述了名为Contarinia jongi Kolesik sp. nov.的新物种,并对其细胞色素氧化酶单元I线粒体基因的一部分进行了测序。这是已知的第一只以 Alstroemeriaceae 科寄主植物为食的瘿蠓。此前,从澳大利亚和新西兰进口到日本的Alstroemeria切花被发现含有新物种的活幼虫,这表明新物种可以随着花卉贸易而传播。Contarinia jongi 可能原产于南美洲,这是其寄主植物的故乡。



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