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Cost-Effectiveness Of The Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Excise Tax In Mexico


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An excise tax of 1 peso per liter on sugar-sweetened beverages was implemented in Mexico in 2014. We estimated the cost-effectiveness of this tax and an alternative tax scenario of 2 pesos per liter. We developed a cohort simulation model calibrated for Mexico to project the impact of the tax over ten years. The current tax is projected to prevent 239,900 cases of obesity, 39 percent of which would be among children. It could also prevent 61,340 cases of diabetes, lead to gains of 55,300 quality-adjusted life-years, and avert 5,840 disability-adjusted life-years. The tax is estimated to save $3.98 per dollar spent on its implementation. Doubling the tax to 2 pesos per liter would nearly double the cost savings and health impact. Countries with comparable conditions could benefit from implementing a similar tax.
机译:墨西哥于2014年对含糖饮料征收每升1比索的消费税。我们估计了这种税收的成本效益和每升 2 比索的替代税收方案。我们开发了一个针对墨西哥校准的队列模拟模型,以预测税收在十年内的影响。目前的税收预计将预防239,900例肥胖病例,其中39%是儿童。它还可以预防 61,340 例糖尿病病例,增加 55,300 个质量调整生命年,并避免 5,840 个残疾调整生命年。据估计,该税在实施上每花费一美元可节省 3.98 美元。将税收翻倍至每升2比索,将节省成本和健康影响增加近一倍。具有类似条件的国家可以从实施类似的税收中受益。




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