首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Health Education by Peers with Spinal Cord Injury: a Scoping Review

Health Education by Peers with Spinal Cord Injury: a Scoping Review


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People with spinal cord injury (SCI) have greater health challenges than the general population. Health implications can arise from direct spinal nerve damage, secondary conditions, and the increased likelihood of a sedentary lifestyle. Health education is an important aspect of SCI rehabilitation. Peer education is used in both general health education campaigns and those aimed at people with defined illnesses and disabilities. Peers have a unique understanding of the target population, and are a valued contributor to SCI rehabilitation. This scoping review explored the existing evidence about the various types and content of health education programs involving peers, aimed at adults with SCI. The eight studies identified are described using three themes; timing and focus; role of peer educators; and outcomes. Half of these studies included peer education as one component of a broader program, but despite differing approaches all reported positive participant outcomes. Peer education appears to be a promising approach to assist people with SCI to learn about and manage their health, and positively influence their self-efficacy. Further research that isolates the role of the peer educators in programs would be beneficial to determine the unique benefits of this form of health education.
机译:脊髓损伤 (SCI) 患者比普通人群面临更大的健康挑战。直接脊髓神经损伤、继发性疾病和久坐不动的生活方式的可能性增加可能对健康造成影响。健康教育是脊髓损伤康复的一个重要方面。同伴教育既用于一般健康教育活动,也用于针对患有特定疾病和残疾的人的运动。同龄人对目标人群有独特的理解,是 SCI 康复的重要贡献者。本范围综述探讨了针对患有 SCI 的成年人的涉及同龄人的各种类型和内容的健康教育计划的现有证据。确定的八项研究使用三个主题进行描述;时机和重点;同伴教育者的作用;和结果。这些研究中有一半将同伴教育作为更广泛项目的一个组成部分,但尽管方法不同,但所有研究都报告了积极的受试者结果。同伴教育似乎是一种很有前途的方法,可以帮助 SCI 患者了解和管理他们的健康,并积极影响他们的自我效能感。进一步研究将同伴教育者在计划中的作用隔离开来,将有助于确定这种形式的健康教育的独特好处。




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