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I would like to thank Doctor Daniel Goldwater for the art this month. This COVID-19 virus representation has an impossible triangle in the middle. The patches on the outside have the letters of RNA base pairs. The lids are from medication vials; the purple one is from his own COVID vaccination. I am very proud of our local community in Harrow and the effort from all, including NHS staff and volunteers to support the process. I hope that feeling is replicated around the country. It is very hard work, but I feel very lucky to have been able to work in a face-to-face setting with willing colleagues, many of whom I have known for years. Daniel shared this image on our Whatsapp Group and it stimulated half an hour of joyful messages that distracted us all from lockdown.
机译:我要感谢丹尼尔·戈德华特博士本月的艺术创作。这种 COVID-19 病毒表示在中间有一个不可能的三角形。外面的斑块有RNA碱基对的字母。盖子来自药瓶;紫色的来自他自己的 COVID 疫苗接种。我为哈罗当地社区以及所有人的努力感到非常自豪,包括NHS工作人员和志愿者为支持这一过程所做的努力。我希望这种感觉能在全国范围内复制。这是一项非常艰苦的工作,但我感到非常幸运,能够与愿意的同事面对面地工作,其中许多人我认识多年。丹尼尔在我们的 Whatsapp 群组上分享了这张图片,它激发了半个小时的欢乐信息,分散了我们所有人的注意力。




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