首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Formation of heterocyclic compounds by use ofNprime;-diphenylmethylene-N-phenyl-N-trimethylsilylurea

Formation of heterocyclic compounds by use ofNprime;-diphenylmethylene-N-phenyl-N-trimethylsilylurea




1976 1523Formation of Heterocyclic Compounds by Use of A/'-Diphenylmethylene-N- p hen yl -A/-t r i met hylsi lylu reaBy lsamu Matsuda," Sakae Yamamoto, and Yoshio Ishii, Department of Synthetic Chemistry, Faculty ofThe reactions of N'-diphenylmethylene-N-phenyl-~-trimethylsilylurea (I) with variety of acceptor molecules havebeen studied. Imidazolidinone, triazinone, and pyrimidinone derivatives were obtained via 4 + I or 4 + 21cyclizations with cyclohexyl isocyanide, methyl isocyanate, dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate, and trichloroaceto-nitrite. followed by desilylation with methanol. Dimethylcyanamide reacts with the urea (I) to give 3-diphenyl-methylene-I ,I -dimethyl-2-phenylguanidine (VIII) via the thermal decomposition of the intermediate 1.4-di-hydro- Z-dimethylamino- 6-trimet hylsilyloxy-I .4.4- trip hen yl- 1,3,5 - triazine. Linear products of insertion in to asilicon-nitrogen bond of the urea (I) are obtained, possibly via a common intermediate, in the reactions withdiphenylketen and with chloral.2.3-Dihydro-6-methyl-2,2-diphenyl-3-phenylcarbamoyl-l,3-oxazin-4-one isformed from d i kete n (4- met h yle neoxetan - 2 -one) .Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan1,3,5-TRIAZINEDIONE derivatives have been obtained inthe reactions of N-trimethylsilyl- and N-trimethylstan-nyl-diphenylmethyleneamine with two equivalents ofisocyanate.lS2 The reaction was shown to proceed in astepwise fashion, i.e. with formation of a 1 : 1 insertionproduct (I) followed by reaction with another moleculeof isocyanate.The insertion product (I) is consideredto exist as an equilibrium of the urea (Ia) and the imidate(Ib), interconvertible through an intramolecular 1,3-migration of the t rimeth ylsilyl group .l, 3,PhzC=N-C -N-SiMe3 ,- PhZC=N-C=NPhI0--SiMe,ll I0 Ph(la) (Ib)A 4 + 11 or 4 + 21 cyclization reaction would beexpected from the interaction of compound (I) withdienophiles, involving the C=N-C=N linkage of the1 I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, J.C.S. Perkirt I , 1972,a H. Suzuki, K. Itoh, I. Matsuda, and Y. Ishii, Bull. Chem.1678.SOC. Japan, 1974, 47, 3131.form (Ib). The present paper describes two types ofreaction of compound (I) with various acceptor moleculesto give heterocyclic compounds or linear insertionproducts, via a common intermediate.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4 + 21 CycZizations.-The reaction of N'-diphenyl-methylene-N-plienyl-N-trimethylsilylurea (I) with 1equiv.of methyl isocyanate gave the triazinone (IIa) in89 yield, identified on the basis of the elementalanalysis and comparison of i.r. and n.m.r. spectra withthose of the 3-phenyl analogue (IIb).l Methanolysis ofthe product (Ira) gave the triazinedione (111) identicalwith an authentic sample.2Dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate reacted with theurea (I) to give the pyrimidine (IVa) and its pyridonetautomer (IVb) in 35 yield. Methanolysis of theproduct gave the pyrimidinone (V) quantitatively. Theinterconversion between the tautomers (IVa) and (IVb)3 J.Pump and E. G. Rochow, Chem. B e y . , 1964, 97, 627.4 K. Itoh, M. Katsuda, and Y. Ishii, J . Chem. SOC. (B), 1970,3021524 J.C.S. Perkin IPh, ,Ph Ph, ,Ph electron-withdrawing substituent and the latter anelectron-donating one. A high temperature and a longtime (45 days at 105 ldquo;C) were necessary. No pureproduct was obtained in the reaction of trichloroaceto-nitrile, but methanolysis of the reaction mixture gave thetriazinone (VII) in 7 yield, identified by analysis andi.r. (vC=o 1679 cm-l) and U.V. spectra (no absorption atca. 250 nm, suggesting the absence of a Ph,C=N-C=Nlinkage). The reaction of dimethylcyanamide (28 days)gave the guanidine (VIII) and trimethylsilyl isocyanate.amp;. 0 R Hbsol;NF.N/Meil Y I Io,cbsol;,o Me3SiO/ ldquo;Nrdquo; bsol;OPh Ph(m) (Illa; R=Meb; R=Phwas observed by 1H n.m.r.spectroscopy at varioustemperatures. A set of three singlets at 7 10.02, 6.51,PhPcG/C4MeII II cbsol; 0cMe3SiOrsquo; Fh lsquo;C02MeMeO-C-CCC-C - OMePh Phbsol; /Me3Sibsol;N,C,C / CO2Mell0H0(IYb)SCEXEME 1RC-N+ lsquo; 6 H6Ph Ph, /NJLNII ilCbsol; 0C-RMe3SiO/ Fh( R = CCI31 r- Ph Ph, /H---N/C,NOH Ph ldquo;1,I I I c. 0cNPhP h 2 C = N -C @ (VIII 1ldquo;Me23.Me3 Si - N= C= 0SCHEME 2and 6.25 which appeared above room temperature areascribed to the Sillle, and the two C0,Me groups respec-tively. However the spectrum at -30 ldquo;C showed twosets of three singlets, at z 10.00, 6.55, and 6.24 andlsquo;t 10.13, 6.50, and 6.29 (intensity ratio 2 : 1). This canbe explained in terms of an intramolecular 1,3-migrationof the trimethylsilyl group, as reported for amides 394 andfor ~ r e a s .~A carbon-nitrogen triple bond is relatively unreactivein Diels-Alder reactions. However the reactions of theurea (I) with trichloroacetonitrile and with dimethyl-cyanamide, were investigated. The former has anI. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y . Ishii, J . Chem. Soc. (C), 1969,701.The former was identified by analysis (C,,H21N,,0.5-H,O) and the n.m.r. spectrum T 7.05 (6 H, s, NMe,), 5.55brPh Yc6 H6 I I:C=O + ( I ) - Ph2C=N-C-N-C-OSiMe3 I I I0 2Y Z v (1x1 Ph2C=(XI H CC13(1 H, s, OH), and 2.8-3.5 (15 H, 3 Ph). These reactionsare explained in terms of the intermediate (VI) derivedfrom 4 + 21 cyclization. The electron-donating di1976 1525methylamino-group lowers the stability of this inter-mediate, resulting in its decomposition in the latter case(Scheme 2).C-1 in the intermediate (XI), followed by N + 0migration of the trimethylsilyl group path (i).How-ever migration of the trimethylsilyl group from N to the0-(xn)IO-SiMe3( x m )SiMe,IPbC -+-C -NPhIIMeOH__cij( I 1( A = N o r C )A d C - 1path(i1 - Ph2Crsquo;II,f A=Bi6 Arsquo;bsol;C B0(XI 1II0(XSYIlsquo;PhPh( A =Ol 1Ph2C=N-C-N -6-A-SiMe3I10(XV)SCHEME 3The reaction of the urea (I) with 1 equiv. of diphenyl-keten proceeded smoothly even at room temperatureand the product (IX) was stable in moist air and toprotic solvents. It was identified by analysis and ix-,n.m.r., and U.V.spectra strong absorption due ton+ x* transition a t 258.5 nm (log E 4.66 in EtOH)characteristic of Ph,C=N-C=O .Chloral also reacted with the urea (I) to give the linearadduct (X), identified by analysis and spectral data.The carbon-oxygen double bonds in diphenylketen andchloral and the carbon-carbon double bond in diphenyl-keten can undergo 4 + 21 cyclization; however, onlylinear insertion products were obtained in the foregoingreactions. Thus there are two different types of reactionwith the urea (I), depending upon the character of thedienophile: (i) 4 + 21 cyclization, observed withmethyl isocyanate, dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate,and trichloroacetonitrile ; and (ii) linear consecutiveinsertion, giving (IX) and (X), observed with diphenyl-keten and chloral (Scheme 3).Initial nucleophilicattack of the amino-nitrogen atom in (Ia) on a dienophilegives a zwitterionic intermediate (XI), and this is followedby the product-determining step. The heterocycle (XIII)is formed by the attack of the anionic terminal A- onanionic terminal A- may be preferred to the attack ofA- on C-1 when the terminal atom is oxygen (which has a,OSi MeN=C,D N = C + ( I 1 4 phbsol;Crsquo; NPhphrsquo; lsquo; c /=I= II f N I 4/SiMe (XVI)lsquo;N-C--N=CPh, k e O H@N=CI I!Ph 00H, //N-C cxvm 1Phkrsquo; ldquo;Ph/ lsquo;crsquo;Ph 11 d(xvn1526 J.C.S. Perkin IPh1Ph,C=N--C--N-C -CH2 ---MeH0H(xxm)0II0+ MeOH + MeMe3Si0Ph*C=N NjC/ 'PhI I0+Ph2C EN-C -N -- SiMe,II I0Ph, ,Ph 11Hbsol;N,c.c/CI I'HPh( XXY 1-Me(XXISiMe3 dII00 +MeOHPh' p'"p " l oo== c,Ph PH(XXII)+ MeOH t cyctizat ion !4 'N-SiMe,I'N -SiMe3IPh t Ph(XXIV)SCHEME 4strong affinity for a silicon atom 6), giving a linear quantitatively to give the imidazoline (XVI), whichinsertion product (XV) path (ii) .Semiempirical afforded the imidazolidinone (XVII) upon methanolysis.SCF-LCAO MO calculations (CND0/2) support such a Although a 1,l-insertion product (XVIII) might havestepwise product formation.' been expected in view of Lappert's result,8 it is excludedwith 1 equiv. of cyclohexyl isocyanide proceeded almost unpublished work.6 K. Itoh, T. Katsuura, I. Matsuda, and Y . Ishii, J . Organo-metallic Chew., 1972, 34, 63. 1967, 5, 225.E4 + '1 Cyczizations*-The reaction Of the urea ('17 H.Suzuki, H. Kate, 1. Matsuamp;, K. Itoh, and y. Isfii,M. F. Lappert and euro;3. Prolrai, Adv. Organometallic Chem.1976 1527by the n.m.r. spectrum and by the absence of a x ---t x*transition (at ca. 250 nm; Ph,C=N-GO) and the exis-tence of an exchangeable aniino-yroto11 ( s ca. 3.95; v , , ~3 280 cm-l) in the methanolysis product (XVII). Theformation of (XVI) can be explained in terms of a 4 + 11cyclization following path (i) in Scheme 3.Renctiott of the Urea (I) with Diketen.-Treatment ofthe urea (I) with 1 equiv. of diketen (4-methyleneoxetan-2-one) gave a brownish oil which showed two trimethyl-silyl groups (Z 9.92 and 9.91) in the n.m.r. spectrum. Itresembled the product of the reaction of LV-trimethylsilyl-(diphenylmethy1ene)amine with diketen, which gavethree isomeric 1 : 1 adducts, each of which was desilyl-ated to the same oxa~inone.~ Accordingly, the reactionmixture was desilylated with methanol directly, givingthe oxazinone (XXII) in good yield, identified fromanalysis and spectral data.Of the three other possiblestructures (SXII1)-(XXV), the linear structure (XXIII)was excluded because of the absence of a ~ + x ' ~transition (Ph,C=N-C=O) in the U.V. spectrum. Themethyl protons in structure (XXV) should resonate atT ca. 8.01deg; rather than at z 8.37 as observed. Anolefinic proton signal at T 5.17 also excludes structure(XXV). Structure (XXIV) is excluded by the absence ofO-H and C=N stretching vibrations in the i.r.spectrum;in fact N-H and G O stretching bands were observed, at3 230 and at 1734 and 1 673 cm-l, respectively. Thefirst step of the reaction is presumably nucleophilicattack of the amino-nitrogen atom in (I) on the carbonylatom to form a zwitterionic intermediate (XIX). Thismay be followed either by the formation of (XX), as aresult of ?3 _t 0 migration of thc trimethylsilyl group,or by direct cyclization to (XXI); the product (XXII)would be formed by desilylation of either precursor asshown in Scheme 4. In this reaction compound (I)plays the role of a dienophile in a different type of 4 + 21cyclization froin those recorded above. The reaction ofamp;met hyl-2,2-diphcnyl- 1,3-oxazin-4-one with phen ylisocyanate did not give the oxazinone (XXII), whichmeans that the presence of a trimethylsilyl group isnecessary for the synthesis of (XXII).EXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined for samples in sealed tubes filledwith argon.1.r. spectra were recorded with a JASCOIR-403G and IR-S instruments. A JEOL C-60 HL instru-ment was utilized to record lH n.m.r. spectra, with tetra-methylsilane as internal standard. Mass spectra wereobtained with a JEOL JMS-O1SG spectrometer at anionizing voltage of 75 eV. A Hitachi 124 spectrophoto-meter was used for the measurement of U.V. spectra.N-Trimethylsilyl(diphenylmethy1ene) amine , N'-diphenyl-methylene-N-phenyl-N-trimethylsilylurea, diphenylketen,lland cyclohexyl isocyanide 1 2 were prepared according to theliterature. All reactions were carried out in an atmosphereof argon.Reactions of the Urea (I) with One Equivalent of Acceptor.-s H.Suzuki, I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, Bull. Ckern.lo H. Toda, Yakzlgaku Zasshi, 1967, 87, 1351.SOC. Japan, 1974, 47, 2736.(a) Meethyl isocyanate. A mixture of the urea (I) (2.15 g,5.77 mmol), methyl isocyanate (0.336 g, 5.89 mmol), andbenzene (3 ml) was heated for 6 days a t 90-95 "C in asealed tube. The yellow oily product obtained by evapor-ation of volatile materials was recrystallized from benzene-n-hexane (1 : 7) to give white needles of 3,4-dihydro-3-methyl-lJ4,4-tri~henyZ-6-trimethyZsilyEoxy- 1,3,5-triuzin-2( 1H)-one (IIa) (89), m.p. 131-132 "C (Found: C, 70.1; H, 6.3.C2,H,,N,0,Si requires C, 69.9; H, 6.3), vmX.(CCl,) 1 698s(C:O) and 1 668s cm-1 (C:N), T (CDCI,) 9.88 (9 H, s, SiMe,),7.32 (3 H, s,NMe), and 2.7-3.1 (15 H, in, 3 Ph). Desilyl-ation with an excess of methanol gave 3-methyZ-1,4,4-tri-phenyZperhydro-lJ3,5-triazine-2,6-dione (111) quantitatively.White prisms were obtained by recrystallization frombenzene-n-hexane (2: 1) in 69 yield; m.p. 365-266 "C(Found: C, 73.8; H, 5.1; N, 11.7. C22H19N3O2 requires C,73.9; H, 5.4; N, 11.8), vmX. (KBr) 1730s and 1658scm-1 (C:O), 7 (CDCI,) 7.26 (3 H, s, NMe), 3.01br (1 euro;3, s,NH), and 2.7-3.1 (15 H, m, 3 Ph).A mixture of theurea (I) (2.35 g, 6.05 mmol) , dimethyl acetylenedicarboxyl-ate (0.835 g, 5.88 mmol), and benzene (3 ml) was heated for22 days a t 90-95 "C in a sealed tube. The oily residueobtained by evaporation was recrystallized from benzene-n-hexane (1 : 8) to give the pyrimidine diester (IV) as abrownish-yellow powder (0.74 g, 35) , m.p.148-149.5 "C(Found: C, 67.9; H, 5.8; N, 5.6. Calc. for C,9H,,N20,Si:C, 67.7; H, 5.9; N, 5.4), vmU. (ICBr) 1735s and 1680s(C:O) and 1 638s cm-1 (C:N), (CDCI,) 10.02br (9 H, s, SiMe,),6.51 (3H,s,OPuIe),6.25(3H,s,OMe),and2.5--3.0(15H,mJ3 Ph).Desilylation with an excess of methanol (3 nil) a t roomtemperature gave dimethyl 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-2-oxo-3,6,6-tviphenyZ~yrinzidine-4,5-dicarboxyZate (V) as a white powder(89), m.p. 239-240 "C benzene-n-hexane (3 : l) (Found:C, 70.8; H, 5.2; N, 6.3. C,,H22N,0, requires C, 70.6;H, 5.0; N, 6.3y0), vmaX. (KBr) 1750s, 1 722s, and 1690scm-l (C:O) vne 442 (M+, 15x1, 411 (A!! - MeO, 4), 398(M - H - Hh-=C=O, 9), 383 (M - C02Me, 35), 366(M - Ph + H, 27), 365 (111 - Ph, loo), and 340 (amp;I -C0,Me - HNCO, 9), s (CDCI,) 6.62 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.57(3 H, s, OXfe), 3.88br (1 H, s, NH), and 2.5-4.1 (15 H, m,3 Ph).A mixture of the urea (I) (2.17 g,5.82 mmol), trichloroacetonitrile (1.34 g, 9.25 mmol), andbenzene (3 ml) was heated for 45 days a t 100-110 "C in asealed tube.Volatile materials were evaporated off underreduced pressure and the resulting oil, which was difficult topurify, was desilylated directly with an excess of methanol(5 ml). Evaporation, washing the residue with ether, andrecrystallization from benzene-n-hexane (2 : 1) gave 3,4-di-hydro- 1 , 4,4-tr~phnyl-6-trichloromethyl- 1,3,5-triazin-2 ( 1H)-oneas a yellow powder (VII) (4), m.p.220-221.5 "C (Found:C, 59.4; H, 3.7; N, 9.4. C22Hl,Cl,N,0 requires C, 59.4;H, 3.6; N, 9.5), v,= (KBr) 1679s (C:O) and 1640shcm-l (C:N) 7 (CDCl,) 2.7-3.2 (15 H, m, 3 Ph) and 1.82br(1 H, s, NH).(d) Dimethylcyanamide. A mixture of the urea (I)(2.05 g, 5.53 mmol), dimethylcyanamide (0.38 g, 5.38 mmol),and benzene (3 ml) was heated for 28 days a t 100-110 "Cin a sealed tube. Volatile materials were then evaporatedl1 E. C. Taylor, A. McKillop, and G. H. Hawks, Org. Syntk.,1972, 52, 36.l2 I. Ugi, R. Meyr, M. Lipinski, F. Bodesheim, and F. Rosen-dahl, Org. Synth., Coll. vol. V, 1973, p. 300.(b) Dimethy2 acetylenedicarboxylate.(c) Trichloroacetonitril1528off under reduced pressure.Trimethylsilyl isocyanate wasdetected in the volatile fraction by its i.r. (VN*=O, 2 260cm-l) and lH n.m.r. spectra T 9.74 (SiMe,). Recrystalliz-ation of the yellow oily residue gave white prisms of hydrated3-diphenylmethylene-1 , l-dimethyl-2-phenylguanidine (VIII) ,m.p. 76.5-78 "C from ethanol-n-hexane (4 : l) (72)(Found: C, 78.4; H, 6.7; N, 12.5. C,,H,,N3,0.5H,0 re-quires C, 78.5; H, 6.6; N, 12.5), vmx. (KBr) 1613m and1570cm-l (CX), T 7.05 (6 H, s, NM,), 5.55br (1 H, s, OH),and 2.7-3.4 (15 H, m, 3 Ph). Picric acid (0.044 g, 0.19mmol) was added to an ethanolic solution (4 ml) of thehydrated guanidine (VIII) (0.064 g , 0.19 mmol). Themixture was heated for 10 h under reflux. Evapor-ation, and recrystallization of the residue fromethanol-n-hexane (3 : 1) gave yellow prisms of the picrate(0.057 g, 60), m.p.263-265.5 "C (Found: C, 60.5; H, 4.1;N, 15.1. Cz2HzlN3,C6H,N,0, requires C, 60.4; H , 4.4;N, 15.1y0), vmx. (KBr) 1660s and 1630m cm-l (C:N).(e) Diphenylketen. When diphenylketen (0.35 g, 1.82mmol) was added dropwise to a solution of the urea (I)(0.74 g, 2.0 mmol) a t room temperature, an exothermicreaction ensued with change of colour from pale yellow t oorange. The mixture was stirred for 1 h a t room temper-ature and evaporated t o leave a yellowish orange residue.This was recrystallized twice from benzene-n-hexane (1 : 5)to give N'-diphenylmet~~ylene-N-(2,2-di~henyl-l-trimethyl-silyZoxyviny1)-N-PhenyZurea (IX) as a white powder (0.66 g ,70),m.p.152-153.5 "C (Found: C, 78.7; H, 5.9; N, 4.9.C,,H,,N,O,Si requires C, 78.4; H, 6.1 ; N, 4.9) , vmax. (KBr)1 656s (C:O) and 1 631s cm-l (CX), LX. (EtOH) 258.5 nm(log E 4.66) T 9.99 (9 H, s, SiMe,) and 2.6-3.5 (25 H , m, 5 Ph).A mixture of the urea (I) (2.57 g, 6.94 mmol),chloral (1.02 g, 6.90 mmol), and benzene (5 ml) was heatedfor 13 days a t 110 "C in a sealed tube. Evaporation,followed by recrystallization from cyclohexane, gave N'-diphenylmethylene-N-fihenyl-N- (2 , 2,2-trichloro- 1-trimethyl-sily1axyethyZ)ureca (X) (solvated) as a white powder (76),m.p. 81.5-84 "C (Found: C, 59.7; H, 5.8; N, 5.0. CZ5H,,-(f) Chloral.J.C.S. Perkin IC1,N202Si,0.5C,Hl, requires C, 59.9; H, 5.6; N, 5.1), vmx(KBr) 1 667s (C:O) and 1 637m cm-l (C:N) , (EtOH) 255.8nm (log E 4.01), T 9.77 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.59 (6 H, s, 3 CHJ,3.38 (1 H, s, CH), and 2.6-2.8 (16H, m, 3 Ph).(g) Cyclohexyl isocyanide. A mixture of the urea (I)(1.02 g, 2.75 mmol), cyclohexyl isocyanide (0.36 g, 3.0 mmol),and benzene (3 ml) was heated for 16 days a t 100-110 "Cin a sealed tube.Benzene was evaporated off to leave theimidazoline (XVI) (1.32 g, 96y0), vmx (CCl,) 1 730m (CO)and 1678s and 1653s cm-1 (C:N), T 9.78 (9 H, s, SiMe,),8.0-9.4 (11 H, m, cyclohexyl), and 2.3-3.0 (15 H , m, 3 Ph).Desilylation with an excess of methanol and recrystalliz-ation from benzene-n-hexane (2 : 1) gave 4-cycZo2iexy~imino-3,5,5-triphenyZimidazoEidin-2-one (XVII) (30) (Found :C, 79.4; H, 6.6; N, 10.3. C,,H,,N,O requires C, 79.2;H, 6.7; N, 10.3yo), m.p. 165-166 "C, v,,,. (KBr) 1720w(CO) and 1665s and 1 655sh cm-l (GIN), T 7.5-8.9 (11 H,ni, cyclohexyl), 4.91br (1 H, s, NH), and 2.8-3.2 (15 H, in,3 Ph), m/e 409 (A!!+, lo), 408 ( M - H, 20), 327 (M -cyclohexyl + H, loo), 326 (ill - cyclohexyl, 70), and 182(Ph,C=NH,+, 50).A mixture of the urea (I) (1.59 g, 4.28 mmol),diketen (0.38 g, 4.54 mmol), and benzene (3 ml) was heatedfor 3 days a t 120-130 "C in a sealed tube, then evaporatedunder reduced pressure ; the residue showed trimethylsilylproton resonances at T 9.92 and 9.91, suggesting a mixtureof isomers. The residue was desilylated with an excess ofmethanol (5 nil) ; recrystallisation of the product fromethanol gave 2,3-dihydro-6-met?ay1-2 , 2-d iphenyl- 3-plieny l-carbamoyZ-l,3-oxazin-4-one (XXII) as yellow needles (0.85 g,57), m.p. 271-273 "C (Found: C, 74.9; H, 5.4; N, 7.1.C24H,,N20, rcquires C, 75.0; H, 5.2; N, 7.3y0), v,,,. (KBr)1734s and 1 673s cm-l (CIO), 7 8.37 (3 H , s, CMe), 8.29br(1 H, s, NH), 5.17br (1 H, s, CH), and 2.6-3.2 (15 H, m,3 Ph), m/e 384 ( M + , 17), 265 (A4 - PhNCO, 22), 249(M - PhNCO - Me - H, 28), 207 (134 - PhNCO - Me -H - NCO, 49), and 180 (Ph,C=N', 100).5/2495 Received, 22nd December, 19757(h) Diketen
机译:1976 1523Formation of Heterocyclic Compounds by Using of A/'-Diphenylmethylene-N- p hen yl -A/-t r i met hylsi lylu rea作者:lsamu Matsuda,“Sakae Yamamoto和Yoshio Ishii,合成化学系,学院研究了N'-二苯基亚甲基-N-苯基-~-三甲基硅脲(I)与多种受体分子的反应。咪唑烷酮、三嗪酮和嘧啶酮衍生物与环己基异氰酸酯、异氰酸甲酯、乙炔二甲酸二甲酯和三氯乙酰亚硝酸盐通过[4 + I]或[4 + 21环化反应获得。 然后用甲醇脱硅烷化。二甲基氰胺与尿素(I)反应,得到3-二苯基亚甲基-I,I-二甲基-2-苯基胍(VIII)通过热分解得到中间体1.4-二氢-Z-二甲氨基-6-三甲基羟基硅氧基-I.4.4-三甲基-叔基-1,3,5-三嗪。在与二苯基酮和氯醛的反应中,可能通过共同中间体获得插入到尿素(I)的硅氮键中的线性产物.2.3-二氢-6-甲基-2,2-二苯基-3-苯基氨基甲酰基-l,3-恶嗪-4-酮由d i kete n(4-met h yle neoxetan - 2 -one)形成。名古屋大学工程学,Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan1,3,5-三嗪二酮衍生物在N-三甲基硅基和N-三甲基斯坦-尼基-二苯基亚胺与异氰酸酯的两个当量的反应中获得。形成 1 : 1 插入产物 (I),然后与另一个异氰酸酯分子反应。插入产物 (I) 被认为是尿素 (Ia) 和亚胺酸盐 (Ib) 的平衡存在,可通过分子内 1,3-迁移 t rimeth 基硅烷基 .l, 3,PhzC=N-C -N-SiMe3 ,- PhZC=N-C=NPhI0--SiMe,ll I0 Ph(la) (Ib)A [4 + 11 或 [4 + 21 环化反应可预期来自化合物 (I) 与亲二烯试剂的相互作用, 涉及 1 I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, J.C.S. Perkirt I , 1972,a H. Suzuki, K. Itoh, I. Matsuda, and Y. Ishii, Bull.Chem.1678.SOC. Japan, 1974, 47, 3131.form (Ib).本文描述了化合物(I)与各种受体分子的两种反应,通过一种共同的中间体得到杂环化合物或线性插入产物。结果与讨论[4 + 21 CycZizations.-N'-二苯基亚甲基-N-萤基-N-三甲基硅脲(I)与1当量的异氰酸甲酯反应得到三嗪酮(IIa)的89%收率,根据元素分析和I.R.和N.M.R.光谱与3-苯基类似物(IIb)的比较确定.l 产物(Ira)的甲烷分解得到三嗪二酮(111)与真实样品相同.2乙炔二甲酯与脲(I)反应得到嘧啶(IVa)及其吡啶酮自构体(IVb)收率为35%。产物的甲烷分解定量得到嘧啶酮(V)。互变异构体 (IVa) 和 (IVb)3 之间的相互转化 J.Pump 和 E. G. Rochow, Chem. B e y ., 1964, 97, 627.4 K. Itoh, M. Katsuda, and Y. Ishii, J .Chem. SOC. (B), 1970,3021524 J.C.S. Perkin IPh, ,Ph Ph, ,Ph 吸电子取代基和后者的无电子供体。高温和长时间(45 英寸下 105 天)是必要的。在三氯乙酰腈的反应中未获得纯产物,但反应混合物的甲烷分解使三嗪酮(VII)的收率为7%,通过分析和i.r确定。(vC=o 1679 cm-l)和紫外光谱(250 nm处无吸收,表明不存在Ph,C=N-C=Nlinkage)。二甲基氰胺反应(28天)得到胍(VIII)和三甲基硅基异氰酸酯。0 R H(\NF)。N/Meil Y I Io,c\,%o Me3SiO/ “N” \OPh Ph(m) (Illa;R=Meb;R=Ph在不同温度下通过1H n.m.r.光谱观察到。一组三个单线态,分别为 7 10.02, 6.51,PhP>cG/C4MeII II c\ 0cMe3SiO' Fh 'C02MeMeO-C-CCC-C - OMePh Ph\ /Me3Si\N,C,C / CO2Mell0H0(IYb)SCEXEME 1RC-N+ ' 6 H6Ph Ph, /NJLNII ilC\ 0C-RMe3SiO/ Fh( R = CCI31 r- Ph Ph, /H---N/C,NOH Ph “1,I I I c. 0cNPhP h 2 C = N -C @ (VIII 1”Me23.Me3 Si - N= C= 0SCHEME 2和 6.25 出现在室温以上的区域Sillle和两个C0,Me组重新定义。然而,-30“C处的光谱显示两组三个单峰,分别在z 10.00、6.55和6.24处,而不是10.13、6.50和6.29(强度比为2:1)。这可以用三甲基硅基的分子内 1,3-迁移来解释,如酰胺 394 和 ~ r e a s .~碳氮三键在 Diels-Alder 反应中相对不反应。然而,研究了鞘脲(I)与三氯乙腈和二甲基氰胺的反应。前者有一个I。Matsuda、K. Itoh 和 Y .石井, J .Chem. Soc. (C), 1969,701.通过分析(C,,H21N,,0.5-H,O)和n.m.r.谱[T 7.05 (6 H, s, NMe,), 5.55brPh Yc6 H6 I I:>C=O + ( I ) - Ph2C=N-C-N-C-OSiMe3 I I I0 2Y Z v (1x1 Ph2C=(XI H CC13(1 H, s, OH), and 2.8-3.5 (15 H, 3 Ph)].这些反应用从[4 + 21环化反应中衍生的中间体(VI)来解释。供电子的di1976 1525甲氨基降低了该中间体的稳定性,导致其在后一种情况下分解(方案2)。中间体(XI)中的C-1,然后是三甲基硅基[路径(i)]的N+0迁移。三甲基硅基如何从N迁移到0-(xn)IO-SiMe3( x m )SiMe,IPbC -+-C -NPhIIMeOH__cij( I 1( A = N o r C )A d C - 1path(i1 - Ph2C'II,f A=Bi6 A'\C B0(XI 1II0(XSYI'PhPh( A =Ol 1Ph2C=N-C-N -6-A-SiMe3I10(XV)方案3尿素(I)与1当量二苯基-酮的反应即使在室温下也能顺利进行,产物(IX)在潮湿条件下稳定空气和toprotic溶剂。它通过分析和 ix-,n.m.r. 和 U.V. 确定。光谱 [强吸收 ton + x* 跃迁 a t 258.5 nm (log E 4.66 in EtOH)Ph,C=N-C=O] 的特征。氯醛还与尿素(I)反应,产生线状收缩(X),通过分析和光谱数据鉴定。二苯基酮和氯醛中的碳氧双键和二苯基酮中的碳-碳双键可以进行[4 + 21环化;然而,在上述反应中仅获得线性插入产物。因此,根据嗜二烯试剂的特性,与尿素(I)有两种不同类型的反应:(i)[4 + 21环化反应,用异氰酸甲酯,乙炔二甲酸二甲酯和三氯乙腈观察;(ii)线性连续插入,得到(IX)和(X),用二苯基酮和氯醛观察(方案3)。(Ia)中氨基氮原子对亲二烯试体的初始亲核攻击得到两性离子中间体(XI),随后是产物决定步骤。杂环(XIII)是由阴离子末端A-阴离子末端A-的攻击形成的,当末端原子为氧时,可能优于A-对C-1的攻击(其具有a,OSi MeN=C,D N = C+(I 1 4 ph\C' NPhph' ' c /=I= II f N I 4/SiMe (XVI)'N-C--N=CPh, k e O H@N=CI I!Ph 00H, //N-C cxvm 1Phk' “Ph/ 'c'Ph 11 d(xvn1526 J.C.S. Perkin IPh1Ph,C=N--C--N-C -CH2 ---MeH0H(xxm)0II0+ MeOH + MeMe3Si0Ph*C=N NjC/ 'PhI I0+Ph2C EN-C -N -- SiMe,II I0Ph, ,Ph 11H\N,c.c/CI I'HPh( XXY 1-Me(XXISiMe3 dII00 +MeOHPh' p'“p ” l oo== c,Ph PH(XXII)+ MeOH t cyctizat ion !4 'N-SiMe,I'N -SiMe3IPh t Ph(XXIV)SCHEME 4对硅原子的强亲和力 6),线性定量得到咪唑啉 (XVI),其中插入产物 (XV) [路径 (ii)] .半经验在甲烷分解时提供咪唑烷酮 (XVII)。SCF-LCAO MO计算(CND0/2)支持这样的 虽然1,l-插入产物(XVIII)可能具有逐步产物形成,但鉴于Lappert的结果,8它被排除在外,1当量的环己基异氰化物进行了几乎未发表的工作.6 K. Itoh, T. Katsuura, I. Matsuda, and Y .石井, J .有机金属咀嚼, 1972, 34, 63.1967, 5, 225.E4 + '1 Cyczizations*-尿素的反应 ('17 H.Suzuki, H. Kate, 1.Matsu&、K. Itoh 和 y. Isfii、MF Lappert 和 3 欧元。Prolrai, Adv. Organometallic Chem.1976 1527通过n.m.r.光谱和没有x ---t x*跃迁(约250 nm;Ph,C=N-GO)和甲烷分解产物(XVII)中可交换的茴香-yroto11(s约3.95;v,,~3 280 cm-l)的存在。(XVI)的形成可以用[4 + 11环化作用来解释,遵循方案3中的路径(i).尿素(I)与二烯酮的Renctiott.-用1当量的二烯(4-亚甲基氧杂环丁烷-2-酮)处理尿素(I)得到褐色油,在n.m.r.光谱中显示两个三甲基硅烷基团(Z 9.92和9.91)。它类似于LV-三甲基硅基-(二苯基甲基1烯)胺与二烯酮反应的产物,得到三个1:1的加合物,每个加合物都脱硅烷化成相同的oxa~inone.~因此,将反应混合物直接用甲醇脱硅烷化,得到噁嗪酮(XXII),收率良好,从分析和光谱数据中鉴定.在其他三种可能的结构(SXII1)-(XXV)中,线性结构(XXIII)被排除在外,因为UV光谱中没有~+x'~跃迁(Ph,C=N-C=O)。结构 (XXV) 中的甲基质子应在 T 约 8.01° 处共振,而不是观察到的 z 8.37。T 5.17 处的非烯烃质子信号也排除了结构 (XXV)。结构 (XXIV) 被排除在外,因为 i.r.谱中没有 O-H 和 C=N 拉伸振动;事实上,分别在3 230和1734和1 673 cm-l处观察到了N-H和G O拉伸带。反应的第一步可能是(I)中的氨基氮原子对羰基原子的亲核攻击,形成两性离子中间体(XIX)。随后可能由于 thc 三甲基硅烷基的 ?3 _t 0 迁移而形成 (XX),或直接环化为 (XXI);产物(XXII)将通过方案4所示的任一前体的脱硅基化形成。在该反应中,化合物(I)在上述记录的不同类型的[4 + 21环化反应中起着亲二烯试剂的作用。hyl-2,2-diphcnyl-1,3-oxazin-4-one与phen yolicyyanate的反应没有得到噁嗪酮(XXII),这意味着三甲基硅烷基的存在是合成(XXII)所必需的。对充满氩气的密封管中的样品测定了 EXPERIMENTALM.p.s.1.r。用JASCOIR-403G和IR-S仪器记录光谱。采用JEOL C-60 HL仪器记录lH n.m.r.谱图,以四甲基硅烷为内标。使用JEOL JMS-O1SG光谱仪在75 eV的阴离子化电压下获得质谱图。日立 124 分光光度计用于测量紫外光谱。根据文献制备了N-三甲基硅基(二苯基甲基1ene)胺、N'-二苯基亚甲基-N-苯基-N-三甲基硅脲、二苯基烯、lland环己基异氰酸酯1,2。所有反应均在氩气气氛中进行。尿素的反应 (I) 与一个当量的受体.-s H.Suzuki, I. Matsuda, K. Itoh, and Y. Ishii, Bull.Ckern.lo H. Toda, Yakzlgaku Zasshi, 1967, 87, 1351.SOC. Japan, 1974, 47, 2736.(a) 异氰酸甲乙酯。将尿素(I)(2.15g,5.77mmol)、异氰酸甲酯(0.336g,5.89mmol)和苯(3ml)的混合物在密封管中加热6天,温度为90-95“C。由苯正己烷(1 : 7)蒸发得到的黄色油状产物,得到3,4-二氢-3-甲基-lJ4,4-三~henyZ-6-三甲基ZsilyEoxy-1,3,5-三嗪-2( 1H)-酮(IIa) (89%)的白色针状物。131-132“C(发现:C,70.1;H, 6.3.C2,H,,N,0,Si 需要 C, 69.9;H,6.3%),vmX。(CCl,) 1 698s(C:O) 和 1 668s cm-1 (C:N)、T (CDCI,) 9.88 (9 H, s, SiMe,)、7.32 (3 H, s,NMe) 和 2.7-3.1 (15 H, in, 3 Ph)。用过量的甲醇进行脱硅烷反应,定量得到3-甲基Z-1,4,4-三苯基Z-lJ3,5-三嗪-2,6-二酮(111)。以苯正己烷(2:1)再结晶得到白色棱镜,收率为69%;m.p. 365-266 “C(发现: C, 73.8;H,5.1;N,11.7。C22H19N3O2要求C,73.9;H,5.4;N,11.8%),vmX。(KBr) 1730s 和 1658scm-1 (C:O)、7 (CDCI、) 7.26 (3 H, s, NMe)、3.01br (1 €3, s,NH) 和 2.7-3.1 (15 H, m, 3 Ph)。将脲(I)(2.35g,6.05mmol),乙炔二甲酸二甲酯(0.835g,5.88mmol)和苯(3ml)的混合物在密封管中加热22天,温度为90-95“C。蒸发得到的油状残留物由苯正己烷(1:8)重结晶,得到嘧啶二酯(IV)为棕黄色粉末(0.74g,35%),m.p.148-149.5“C(Found:C,67.9;H,5.8;N,5.6。计算值 C,9H,,N20,Si:C, 67.7;H,5.9;N,5.4%),vmU。(ICBr) 1735s 和 1680s(C:O) 和 1 638s cm-1 (C:N), (CDCI,) 10.02br (9 H, s, SiMe,),6.51 (3H,s,OPuIe),6.25(3H,s,OMe) 和 2.5--3.0(15H,mJ3 Ph)。室温下用过量甲醇(3无)脱硅烷化得到1,2,3,6-四氢-2-氧代-3,6,6-tviphenyZ~yrinzidine-4,5-二羧酸二甲酯(V)为白色粉末(89%),熔点239-240“C [苯正己烷(3:l)](Found:C,70.8;H,5.2;N,6.3。C,,H22N,0,需要C,70。6;H,5.0;N, 6.3y0)、vmaX。(KBr) 1750s、1 722s 和 1690scm-l (C:O) vn[e 442 (M+, 15x1, 411 (A! - MeO, 4), 398(M - H - Hh-=C=O, 9), 383 (M - C02Me, 35), 366(M - Ph + H, 27), 365 (111 - Ph, loo) 和 340 (&I -C0,Me - HNCO, 9), s (CDCI,) 6.62 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.57(3 H, s, OXfe), 3.88br (1 H, s, NH) 和 2.5-4.1 (15 H, m,3 Ph)。将尿素(I)(2.17克,5.82毫摩尔)、三氯乙腈(1.34克,9.25毫摩尔)和苯(3毫升)的混合物在密封管中加热45天,温度为100-110“C。挥发性物质在欠减压下蒸发,所得油难以提纯,直接用过量的甲醇(5ml)脱硅烷。蒸发,用乙醚洗涤残渣,再结晶得到苯正己烷(2:1)得到3,4-二氢-1,4,4-三苯基-6-三氯甲基-1,3,5-三嗪-2(1H)-酮为黄色粉末(VII)(4%),m.p.220-221.5“C(Found:C,59.4;H,3.7;N,9.4。C22Hl,Cl,N,0 需要 C, 59.4;H,3.6;N, 9.5%), v,= (KBr) 1679s (C:O) 和 1640shcm-l (C:N) 7 (CDCl,) 2.7-3.2 (15 H, m, 3 Ph) 和 1.82br(1 H, s, NH).(d) 二甲基氰胺。将尿素(I)(2.05克,5.53毫摩尔)、二甲基氰胺(0.38克,5.38毫摩尔)和苯(3毫升)的混合物在100-110“C的密封管中加热28天。然后挥发性物质蒸发l1 E. C. Taylor, A. McKillop, and G. H. Hawks, Org. Syntk.,1972, 52, 36.l2 I. Ugi, R. Meyr, M. Lipinski, F. Bodesheim, and F. Rosen-dahl, Org. Synth., Coll. vol. V, 1973, p. 300.(b) 二甲基2乙炔二羧酸酯。(c) 减压下的三氯乙腈1528OFF。通过其i.r.(VN*=O,2 260cm-l)和lH n.m.r.光谱[T 9.74 (SiMe,)]检测挥发性馏分中的三甲基硅基异氰酸酯。黄色油状残留物的重结晶得到水合物3-二苯亚甲基-1,l-二甲基-2-苯基胍(VIII)的白色棱镜,熔点76.5-78“C [来自乙醇-正己烷(4:l)](72%)(发现:C,78.4;H,6.7;N,12.5。C,,H,,N3,0.5H,0 要求 C, 78.5;H,6.6;N, 12.5%), vmx.(KBr) 1613m 和 1570cm-l (CX), T 7.05 (6 H, s, NM,), 5.55br (1 H, s, OH) 和 2.7-3.4 (15 H, m, 3 Ph).将苦味酸(0.044g,0.19mmol)加入到水合胍(VIII)(0.064g,0.19mmol)的乙醇溶液(4ml)中。将混合物在回流下加热10小时。乙醇-正己烷残留物的蒸发和再结晶(3:1)得到苦味酸盐(0.057 g,60%)的黄色棱镜,m.p.263-265.5“C(发现:C,60.5;H,4.1;N,15.1。Cz2HzlN3,C6H,N,0,要求C,60.4;H,4.4;N, 15.1y0)、vmx。(KBr) 1660 年代和 1630 米 cm-l (C:N)。(e) 二苯基酮。当将二苯基酮(0.35g,1.82mmol)滴加到尿素(I)(0.74g,2.0mmol)的溶液中时,室温下,发生放热反应,颜色从淡黄色变为橙色。将混合物搅拌1 h,使其在室内温度下蒸发,留下黄橙色残留物。将其从苯-正己烷(1:5)重结晶两次,得到N'-二苯基甲~~烯-N-(2,2-二~弛基-l-三甲基-硅氧基Zoxyviny1)-N-苯基Zurea(IX),为白色粉末(0.66g,70%),m.p.152-153.5“C(发现:C,78.7;H,5.9;N, 4.9.C,,H,,N,O,Si 需要 C, 78.4;高, 6.1 ;N, 4.9%) , vmax.(KBr)1 656s (C:O) 和 1 631s cm-l (CX), LX.(EtOH)258.5 nm(log E 4.66)T 9.99 (9 H, s, SiMe,) 和 2.6-3.5 (25 H , m, 5 Ph)。将尿素(I)(2.57g,6.94mmol),氯醛(1.02g,6.90mmol)和苯(5ml)的混合物在密封管中加热13天,温度为110“C。蒸发,然后由环己烷重结晶,得到N'-二苯亚甲基-N-苯嵛基-N-(2,2,2-三氯-1-三甲基-硅氧烷基1axyethyZ)脲(X)(溶剂化)为白色粉末(76%),熔点81.5-84“C(发现:C,59.7;H,5.8;N,5.0。CZ5H,,-(f) 氯醛.J.C.S.Perkin IC1,N202Si,0.5C,Hl,需要C,59.9;H,5.6;N, 5.1%), vmx(KBr) 1 667s (C:O) 和 1 637m cm-l (C:N) , (EtOH) 255.8nm (log E 4.01), T 9.77 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.59 (6 H, s, 3 CHJ,3.38 (1 H, s, CH), 和 2.6-2.8 (16H, m, 3 Ph)。g) 环己基异氰酸酯。将尿素(I)(1.02克,2.75毫摩尔)、环己基异氰化物(0.36克,3.0毫摩尔)和苯(3毫升)的混合物在100-110“C的密封管中加热16天。蒸发苯,留下咪唑啉(XVI)(1.32 g,96y0),vmx(CCl,)1 730m(CO)和1678s和1653s cm-1(C:N),T 9.78(9 H,s,SiMe,),8.0-9.4(11 H,m,环己基)和2.3-3.0(15 H,m,3 Ph)。用过量甲醇脱硅化和苯正己烷重结晶(2 : 1)得到4-cycZo2iexy~亚氨基-3,5,5-三苯基咪唑-2-酮(XVII)(30%)(发现:C,79.4;H,6.6;N,10.3。C,,H,,N,O 需要 C, 79.2;H,6.7;N, 10.3yo), m.p. 165-166 “C, v,,,.(KBr) 1720w(CO) 和 1665s 和 1 655sh cm-l (GIN), T 7.5-8.9 (11 H,ni, 环己基), 4.91br (1 H, s, NH), 和 2.8-3.2 (15 H, in,3 Ph), m/e 409 (A!!+, lo%), 408 ( M - H, 20), 327 (M -环己基 + H, loo), 326 (ill - 环己基, 70) 和 182(Ph,C=NH,+, 50)。将尿素(I)(1.59g,4.28mmol)、二烯(0.38g,4.54mmol)和苯(3ml)的混合物在密封管中以120-130“C加热3天,然后在减压下蒸发;残基在 T 9.92 和 9.91 处显示三甲基硅基质子共振,表明存在异构体混合物。残余物用过量的甲醇(5无)脱硅烷;乙醇产物的重结晶得到2,3-二氢-6-甲基1-2,2-D苯基-3-肱-L-氨基甲酰Z-l,3-恶嗪-4-酮(XXII)为黄色针状(0.85克,57%),熔点271-273“C(发现:C,74.9;H,5.4;N, 7.1.C24H,,N20, rcquires C, 75.0;H,5.2;N, 7.3y0), v,,,.(KBr)1734s 和 1 673s cm-l (CIO)、7 8.37 (3 H , s, CMe)、8.29br(1 H, s, NH)、5.17br (1 H, s, CH) 和 2.6-3.2 (15 H, m,3 Ph)、m/e 384 ( M + , 17%)、265 (A4 - PhNCO, 22)、249(M - PhNCO - Me - H, 28)、207 (134 - PhNCO - Me -H - NCO, 49) 和 180 (Ph,C=N', 100).[5/2495 收稿日期:19757年12月22日(h) Diketen




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