首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Presentation of a Segmentation Method for a Diabetic Retinopathy Patient's Fundus Region Detection Using a Convolutional Neural Network

Presentation of a Segmentation Method for a Diabetic Retinopathy Patient's Fundus Region Detection Using a Convolutional Neural Network


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Diabetic retinopathy is characteristic of a local distribution that involves early-stage risk factors and can forecast the evolution of the illness or morphological lesions related to the abnormality of retinal blood flows. Regional variations in retinal blood flow and modulation of retinal capillary width in the macular area and the retinal environment are also linked to the course of diabetic retinopathy. Despite the fact that diabetic retinopathy is frequent nowadays, it is hard to avoid. An ophthalmologist generally determines the seriousness of the retinopathy of the eye by directly examining color photos and evaluating them by visually inspecting the fundus. It is an expensive process because of the vast number of diabetic patients around the globe. We used the IDRiD data set that contains both typical diabetic retinopathic lesions and normal retinal structures. We provided a CNN architecture for the detection of the target region of 80 patients' fundus imagery. Results demonstrate that the approach described here can nearly detect 83.84 of target locations. This result can potentially be utilized to monitor and regulate patients.
机译:糖尿病视网膜病变是局部分布的特征,涉及早期危险因素,可以预测与视网膜血流异常相关的疾病或形态学病变的演变。视网膜血流的区域变化以及黄斑区和视网膜环境中视网膜毛细血管宽度的调节也与糖尿病视网膜病变的病程有关。尽管糖尿病视网膜病变现在很常见,但很难避免。眼科医生通常通过直接检查彩色照片并通过目视检查眼底来评估它们来确定眼睛视网膜病变的严重程度。这是一个昂贵的过程,因为全球有大量的糖尿病患者。我们使用了包含典型糖尿病视网膜病变和正常视网膜结构的IDRiD数据集。我们提供了一个 CNN 架构,用于检测 80 名患者眼底图像的目标区域。结果表明,本文所述方法几乎可以检测到83.84%的目标位置。这一结果可用于监测和调节患者。




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