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Frequency and characteristics of post‐transfusion hepatitis in Greece with emphasis on hepatitis C: comparing second‐ and third‐generation assays




SUMMARY.In order to evaluate the role of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in post‐transfusion hepatitis (PTH) in Greece we prospectively followed 143 transfusion recipients, receiving 790 units of blood and/or products from 789 donors, between October 1989 and December 1991. The mean number of units transfused per patient was 5–52. PTH was observed in 18 patients (12–59). One patient (0–70) developed hepatitis B, in four (2–80) hepatitis could be attributed to CMV infection, 10 (6–99) developed hepatitis C and three (2–10) showed only raised alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. The risk of PTH per 1000 units transfused was 22–8. The patient who developed hepatitis B (PTH‐B) was transfused with four units, one of which was positive for anti‐HBc and anti‐HBe. Seven of the 10 patients (70) who developed hepatitis C (PTH‐C) were transfused with at least one unit seropositive in the anti‐HCV screening with 2nd‐generation tests (ELISA‐2 and RIBA‐2), whereas 9/10 of PTH‐C cases (90) were transfused with at least one unit positive in 3rd‐generation assays. Of the three patients who showed only ALT elevation, none was transfused with anti‐HCV seropositive blood, although one of them was transfused with at least one unit with elevated ALT levels. We conclude that: (1) the incidence of PTH in Greece remains high, (2)screening of all donations for anti‐HCV with an ELISA‐2 does not exclude transmission of HCV and (3) ELISA‐3 and RIBA‐3 seem to be more sensitive in blood donor screening and in dete
机译:SUMMARY.In 为了评估丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)在希腊输血后肝炎(PTH)中的作用,我们在1989年10月至1991年12月期间前瞻性地跟踪了143名输血受者,从789名献血者那里获得了790个单位的血液和/或产品。每位患者平均输血单位数为 5-52 个。在 18 例患者 (12-59%) 中观察到 PTH。1例患者(0-70%)发展为乙型肝炎,4例(2-80%)肝炎可归因于巨细胞病毒感染,10例(6-99%)发展为丙型肝炎,3例(2-10%)仅显示丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)水平升高。每 1000 个单位输注 PTH 的风险为 22-8。对发生乙型肝炎 (PTH-B) 的患者输注了 4 个单位,其中 1 个单位的抗 HBc 和抗 HBe 呈阳性。在发生丙型肝炎 (PTH-C) 的 10 例患者中,有 7 例 (70%) 在第二代检测(ELISA-2 和 RIBA-2)的抗 HCV 筛查中输注了至少一个单位血清阳性,而 9/10 的 PTH-C 病例 (90%) 在第三代检测中输注了至少一个单位阳性。在仅显示 ALT 升高的 3 例患者中,均未输注抗 HCV 血清阳性血,但其中 1 例患者输注了至少一个 ALT 水平升高的单位。我们得出的结论是:(1) 希腊 PTH 的发病率仍然很高,(2) 用 ELISA-2 筛查所有献血的抗 HCV 并不能排除 HCV 的传播,以及 (3) ELISA-3 和 RIBA-3 似乎在献血者筛查和献血者筛查中更敏感。




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