首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >New Species and Records of Crabs of the Families Dromiidae, Dynomenidae, Homolidae, Aethridae, Parthenopidae, Majidae, and Epialtidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from Easter Island, with a Review of the Majid Genus Schizophroida Sakai, 1933

New Species and Records of Crabs of the Families Dromiidae, Dynomenidae, Homolidae, Aethridae, Parthenopidae, Majidae, and Epialtidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) from Easter Island, with a Review of the Majid Genus Schizophroida Sakai, 1933

机译:来自复活节岛的Dromiidae、Dynomenidae、Homolidae、Aethridae、Parthenopidae、Majidae和Epialtidae(甲壳纲:Decapoda:Brachyura)螃蟹的新物种和记录,以及Majid属Schizophroida Sakai的综述,1933年

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The diversity of seven families of brachyurans occurring on Easter Island is reviewed based on historical and more recently collected specimens. Lewindromia unidentata (Ruppell, 1830) (Dromiidae) is confirmed to occur, and Dynomene hispida (Latreille, in Milbert, 1812) (Dynomenidae) and Actaeomorpha erosa Miers, 1877 (Aethridae) are recorded for the first time from the island. The sole homolid species known from Easter Island, previously identified only to family, is provisionally identified as Latreillopsis cf. okala Castro Naruse, 2014. A new species of Daldorfia Rathbun, 1904 (Parthenopidae), previously confused with D. horrida (Linnaeus, 1758), is described. The taxonomic issues with Schizophroida Sakai, 1933 (Majidae) are reviewed: S. simodaensis Sakai, 1933, from Japan is synonymized with S. manazuruana Sakai, 1933, also from Japan, and a new species is described from Easter Island; an earlier record of Ageitomaia baeckstroemi (Balss, 1924) from Salas y Gomez is shown to be a misidentification of this new species. The presence of a Huenia, possibly H. aff. pacifica (Miers, 1879) (Epialtidae), on the island is also confirmed.
机译:根据历史和最近收集的标本,对复活节岛上出现的七个短尾鳍动物科的多样性进行了综述。Lewindromia unidentata (Ruppell, 1830) (Dromiidae) 被证实存在,并且 Dynomene hispida (Latreille, in Milbert, 1812) (Dynomenidae) 和 Actaeomorpha erosa Miers, 1877 (Aethridae) 首次从岛上记录到。复活节岛已知的唯一同质物种,以前只被确定为科,暂时被确定为Latreillopsis cf. okala Castro&Naruse,2014。描述了Daldorfia Rathbun,1904(Parthenopidae)的新物种,以前与D. horrida(Linnaeus,1758)混淆。综述了Schizophroida Sakai, 1933 (Majidae)的分类学问题:来自日本的S. simodaensis Sakai, 1933与同样来自日本的S. manazuruana Sakai, 1933同义,并描述了来自复活节岛的新物种;来自Salas y Gomez的Ageitomaia baeckstroemi(Balss,1924)的早期记录被证明是对这个新物种的错误识别。岛上还证实了Huenia,可能是H. aff. pacifica(Miers,1879)(Epialtidae)的存在。



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