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Dating Apps, Sexual Orientation, and Male Body Image: An Investigation in Singaporean and Swedish Samples


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Public Significance Statement Dating app use is purported to be associated with poorer body image. However, we found that after accounting for sexual orientation, dating app use largely ceased to predict male body image outcomes. Thus, dating app use may not be as problematic as previously thought, and if any, its effects appear to be particular to sexual minority men. Current evidence suggests that dating app users experience greater body dissatisfaction than nonusers. However, these were mostly based on studies of sexual minority men (SMM) or studies that did not consider the effects of sexual orientation. In this study, we reexamined the association between dating app use and male body image using two culturally diverse samples, taking into account the potential confounding or moderating effect of sexual orientation. Male participants from Singapore (n = 201; 71 users) and Sweden (n = 279; 108 users) completed an online survey on dating app use and measures of body image disturbance and dissatisfaction. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that while dating app use indeed predicted overall dissatisfaction and muscularity dissatisfaction in the Singaporean sample, and body image disturbance, overall dissatisfaction, and height dissatisfaction in the Swedish sample, this ceased to be the case after we controlled for sexual orientation, except for height dissatisfaction in the Swedish sample. A moderation effect was also found in the Swedish sample: while SMM users had greater muscularity dissatisfaction than nonusers, this difference was not seen for heterosexual men. This study highlights the importance of considering both sexual orientation and cultural differences in the relationship between dating app use and body image.
机译:公共意义表述约会应用程序使用传说与贫穷有关的身体的形象。对于性取向,交友应用使用很大程度上停止预测男性身体形象的结果。约会应用使用可能不一样的问题以前认为,如果有的话,其效果似乎特别的性少数人。目前的证据表明,交友应用的用户体验身体的不满比使用者。多发性骨髓瘤研究的性少数男性()或研究不考虑性的影响取向。交友软件使用和男性身体之间的联系图像使用两种文化不同的样本,考虑到潜在的混淆或缓和的影响性取向。参与者来自新加坡(n = 201;和瑞典(n = 279;在线调查在交友应用的使用和措施身体形象干扰和不满。分层回归分析显示虽然约会应用使用的确整体预测不满和肌肉发达的不满在新加坡这个示例中,和身体形象干扰、整体不满和高度不满在瑞典的示例中,这个不再是在我们控制了性取向,除了高度在瑞典的示例的不满。适度效应也在瑞典示例:尽管社交媒体用户更大的肌肉发达比使用者的不满,这种差异没有见过异性恋男性。突出考虑的重要性性取向和文化差异交友软件使用和身体之间的关系的形象。



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