首页> 外文期刊>Health services management research: an official journal of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration >Regularity of contact with general practitioners and diabetes-related hospitalisation through a period of policy change: A retrospective cohort study

Regularity of contact with general practitioners and diabetes-related hospitalisation through a period of policy change: A retrospective cohort study


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Background This study evaluated changes in regularity of general practitioner (GP) contact (the pattern of visits over time) and the impact of regularity on diabetes-related hospitalisation following introduction of care co-ordination incentives. Methods Linked primary care, hospital and death records covered West Australian adults from 1991-2004. Different eras were evaluated based on incentive program changes and model fit, to assess changes in regularity. Changes in regularity, derived from the variance in the number of days between GP contacts, were evaluated using ordered logistic regression. The impact of regularity on hospitalisation rates and costs were evaluated. Results Two eras prior to program introduction (1991/92-1994/9 and 1995/96-1998/99), and one after (1999/2000-2002/03) were assessed. Among 153,455 at risk of diabetes-related hospitalisation GP contact became slightly less regular in the second era, though there was no change from the second to third era. The most regular decile had 5.5 fewer hospitalisations (95 CI -0.9 to -9.9) and lower per-patient costs (difference AU$115, CI -$63 to -$167) than the least regular. Associations were similar in each era. Conclusions Ongoing relationships between GPs and patients are important to maintaining health. Historical data provide the opportunity to assess the impact of care co-ordination incentives on relationships.
机译:本研究评估变化的背景规律的全科医生(GP)接触(随着时间的推移,访问的模式)和影响和糖尿病住院的规律性之后引入护理协调激励措施。和死亡记录了西澳大利亚成年人从1991 - 2004。基于激励计划和模型适应变化,评估的变化规律。规律性,来自的方差天数之间的医生联系,评估使用有序逻辑回归。规律对住院率的影响成本评估。项目介绍(1991/92-1994/9和1995/96-1998/99),和一个后(1999/2000-2002/03)进行评估。糖尿病引起的住院医生的风险联系变得稍微不那么普通第二个时代,尽管没有改变的第二个,第三个时代。住院治疗上减少5.5% (95% CI -0.9%-9.9%)和较低的平均成本(不同115澳元,CI - 63美元- 167美元)比常规。协会在每个时代中是相似的。结论持续的GPs和之间的关系病人对保持健康很重要。历史数据评估提供了机会保健协调激励的影响的关系。



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