首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Photocatalysis >The Effect of Modifying TiO 2 with Lanthanides on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Ciprofloxacin, A Hydrophobic Compound

The Effect of Modifying TiO 2 with Lanthanides on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Ciprofloxacin, A Hydrophobic Compound

机译:镧系元素改性TiO 2对疏水化合物环丙沙星光催化降解的影响

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Background: Recent years have seen the increased use of antibiotics and hormones in domestic, agricultural and healthcare applications. As a result, waste streams contain more and more of these compounds, which eventually end up in the environment, where they might cause serious damage to flora and fauna, even in miniscule amounts. This issue is currently not resolved by conventional waste treatment plants, as their adequacy for handling these compounds, many of which are non-polar, is quite limited. Objective: This work studies the effect of modifying the hydrophilic photocatalyst TiO 2 with various rare earth oxides (REOs), of the lanthanide family (Er, La, Gd, Ce), on the photocatalytic activity toward degrading non-polar compounds. Ciprofloxacin, a widely used antibiotic, was chosen as a model hydrophobic compound. Its degradation rate was compared with that of caffeine, used as a model hydrophilic compound. Methods: Fused silica plates were coated with REO-containing films comprising TiO 2 and silica. The latter was used as a binder to assure high integrity and strong adherence of the films to their substrates. The plates were characterized by SEM, EDS, XPS, and scratch-resistance measurements. The photocatalytic kinetics were determined with UV-Vis spectroscopy (caffeine) or fluorescence spectroscopy (ciprofloxacin). Further information was obtained by measuring the kinetics in the presence of charge scavengers and by SEM-EDS mapping of the surface following photodeposition of platinum. Results: Most REOs-modified TiO 2 coatings showed increased activity and selectivity towards ciprofloxacin compared to coatings that did not contain REOs. A study on the silica binder's role suggests that the binder's hydrophobicity plays an important role in promoting ciprofloxacin degradation. With respect to REOs contribution, SEM-EDS mapping of REOs-containing films indicated that the REOs act as electron sinks, despite the position of their conduction bands. This charge accumulation is likely responsible for the contribution of the REOs to the enhanced degradation of ciprofloxacin. The hydrophobicity of lanthanide oxides, while affecting the adsorption of the non-polar ciprofloxacin, cannot explain the observed effects. Conclusion: Oxides of erbium, gadolinium and lanthanum may be used to increase photocatalytic rates via electron accumulation, despite the location of their conduction bands. This is in parallel to their effect as adsorption promotors of hydrophobic compounds.
机译:背景:近年来有所增加在国内使用的抗生素和激素,农业和医疗应用程序。因此,废水包含越来越多的这些化合物,最终的环境,在那里他们可能会导致严重的破坏动植物,甚至在微小金额。传统的垃圾处理厂,作为他们的适当处理这些化合物,许多非极性,是相当有限的。这项工作研究修改的影响亲水性光催化剂TiO 2各种罕见镧系元素的地球氧化物(上)的家庭(呃,洛杉矶,Gd, Ce),光催化活性对降解非极性化合物。环丙沙星(一种广泛使用的抗生素)选为一个疏水复合模型。降解率比咖啡因,亲水化合物用作模型。方法:熔融石英板被涂上一层REO-containing电影由TiO 2和二氧化硅。后者被用作粘合剂,确保高完整性和强烈的依从性的电影他们的基质。通过SEM、EDS、XPS和抗划伤测量。并用紫外可见光谱(咖啡因)或决定荧光光谱(环丙沙星)。进一步的信息是通过测量获得的动力学的拾荒者和收费由能谱映射后的表面photodeposition铂。REOs-modified TiO 2涂料显示增加活动对环丙沙星和选择性涂料相比,并没有上。研究表明,硅粘结剂的作用粘结剂的疏水性起着重要的角色在促进环丙沙星退化。对上的贡献,能谱的映射REOs-containing表示,电影上的行为随着电子,尽管他们的位置导带。可能负责的贡献上的增强的退化环丙沙星。氧化物,而吸附的影响非极性环丙沙星,无法解释观察到的效果。钆和镧可用于增加光催化率通过电子积累,尽管他们的导带的位置。这是在平行于他们作为吸附的影响疏水性化合物的催化剂。



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