首页> 外文期刊>Ornithological applications >Multi-scale nest survival analysis suggests new cavities improve nest success for the Green-barred Woodpecker, but not the Campo Flicker, in a threatened woodland of Argentina

Multi-scale nest survival analysis suggests new cavities improve nest success for the Green-barred Woodpecker, but not the Campo Flicker, in a threatened woodland of Argentina


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Understanding factors affecting nest survival of woodpeckers in threatened landscapes is a key tool for land managers, particularly when conservation depends on public policies. However, information of Neotropical woodpeckers breeding in southern temperate forests is noticeably sparse despite the worrying conservation status of these ecosystems and woodpeckers' key role as cavity providers. Our objective was to assess the relationship between tree cavity features, vegetation structure, and landscape configuration on the nest survival of the Green-barred Woodpecker (Colaptes melanochloros) and the Campo Flicker (C. campestris). We monitored nests of these woodpeckers during 3 breeding seasons from 2015 to 2018 in a woodland of east-central Argentina threatened by selective tree logging and soil material extraction. We recorded features that presumably influence nest survival at a micro-scale (cavity, cavity-tree features, and foliage cover around the cavity) and a macro-scale (forest cover and shape index within a 500-m circle around the nest). We did not find support for a relationship between daily nest survival rates (DSR) and cavity features, vegetation structure, or landscape configuration. However, new cavities were more successful than reused ones for the Greenbarred Woodpecker. We also found a surprisingly high rate (similar to 33 of nest failures) of nest abandonment for both species. Abandonment may be a factor regulating this population and causes of abandonment warrants further investigation. Given the importance of new cavities to the success of Green-barred Woodpeckers, our results indicate the preservation of medium-size trees (20 cm < diameter at breast height DBH < 50 cm) with wood softened by degradation processes (preferred by the species to excavate cavities) would facilitate persistence both of this woodpecker and the cavity nesting community. Effective audit of soil material extraction and controlled selective timber logging practices (including preservation of mature trees) in compliance with existing regulations could contribute to this type of habitat maintenance.
机译:了解巢生存的影响因素啄木鸟在景观是一个关键的威胁土地管理者的工具,特别是当保护取决于公共政策。热带啄木鸟育种信息在温带森林南部是明显的稀疏尽管令人担忧的保护状态这些生态系统和啄木鸟的关键作用腔提供者。树腔特性之间的关系,植被结构和景观配置在鸟巢Green-barred的生存啄木鸟(Colaptes melanochloros)和南美草原闪烁(c .定)。这些啄木鸟在3繁殖季节2015年至2018年在华东的林地阿根廷受到选择性树日志记录和土壤物质提取。特性可能影响巢生存微尺度(腔,cavity-tree特性,和树叶覆盖腔)和左右大规模的(森林覆盖和形状指数500米圈鸟巢)。支持每天窝之间的关系存活率(域)和腔特性,植被结构,或景观配置。然而,新蛀牙比更成功重用的Greenbarred啄木鸟。也发现了一个惊人的高速率(类似于窝巢遗弃的失败)的33%这两个物种。调节这一人群的原因放弃需要进一步调查。成功的新蛀牙的重要性Green-barred啄木鸟,我们的结果表明中型树木的保护(20厘米<胸径(胸径)< 50厘米)木材软化的退化进程(优先挖掘蛀牙)的物种促进持久的啄木鸟和腔嵌套社区。土壤物质的提取和控制选择性(包括木材采伐实践维护成熟的树木)符合现有的规定可能会导致这个问题类型的栖息地的维护。



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