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Best laid plans of Chinese refiners


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Chinese product exports will rise sharply this year if the country’s refining sector sticks to ambitious plans to increase throughputs. Crude imports may rise by a “conservative” 9pc this year, an internal document circulated by leading economic planning agency the NDRC predicts. This would boost imports by 500,000 b/d in 2014, and would be the highest annual increase since 2010. Plans by the main state-owned oil companies and smaller refiners are even larger. If fully realised, they would mean 800,000 b/d of extra throughputs, which would sharply increase product exports and depress refining margins throughout Asia-Pacific. But GDP growth is projected to slow this year (AGM, 24 January, p4). And political opposition to China becoming a swing products exporter is likely to force some refiners to scale back their plans.
机译:如果中国的炼油业坚持雄心勃勃的提高产量的计划,那么今年中国产品出口将大幅增长。国家发改委预测,一家领先的经济计划机构发布的一份内部文件显示,今年原油进口可能增长“保守” 9%。这将使2014年的进口量增加50万桶/天,这将是自2010年以来的最高年度增长。主要国有石油公司和小型炼油厂的计划甚至更大。如果完全实现,那么这将意味着每天80万桶的额外吞吐量,这将大大增加产品出口量,并降低整个亚太地区的炼油利润。但预计今年GDP增​​长将放缓(AGM,1月24日,第4页)。反对中国成为摇摆产品出口国的政治反对派可能会迫使一些炼油厂缩减计划。



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