首页> 外文期刊>Low temperature physics: Simultaneous Russian - English publication >Influence of various scattering mechanisms on thermal conductivity of doped Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 high-temperature superconductor

Influence of various scattering mechanisms on thermal conductivity of doped Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 high-temperature superconductor


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A theoretical analysis of thermal conductivity of high-temperature superconductor cuprates, Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 (PLCCO), has been successfully investigated. In this formulation, the idea of relaxation times and other scattering processes has been developed from frequency (energy) line widths using a quantum dynamical method. The major emphasis of this study is on the influence of phonon-dopant atom scattering on the thermal conductivity of Ce-doped PLCCO, as well as other prominent scattering processes such as electron-phonon, cubic and quartic anharmonic phonon, cubic and quartic phonon interference, and so on. The proposed theory has achieved a satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
机译:热导率的理论分析高温超导铜酸盐,Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4 (PLCCO)成功地调查。散射弛豫时间和其他的想法流程已由频率使用量子动力(能量)线宽度方法。phonon-dopant原子散射的影响的热导率Ce-doped PLCCO,等其他著名的散射过程作为电子声子,三次和四次非谐声子,三次,四次声子的干扰,等等......令人满意的理论和之间的协议实验。每年出版。




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