首页> 外文期刊>Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People and Animals >Companion Dog Routine Inventory: Scale Validation and the Effect of Routine on the Human-Dog Relationship

Companion Dog Routine Inventory: Scale Validation and the Effect of Routine on the Human-Dog Relationship


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The dimensions and effects of the construct "child routine" have been broadly investigated in the field of social psychology. Three studies were conducted to adapt this construct to the field of human-animal relationships and to measure dog routine. The procedure included the initial item generation and item reduction process. Study 1 was conducted to examine the dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the scale. A total of 245 dog owners from Bogota (Colombia) participated in this study. The results revealed four dimensions to measure the construct: (1) daily activities, (2) exercise, (3) discipline, and (4) family time. The reliability and validity of the scale were accepted. Study 2 was conducted to test the reliability of the scale in another country and in a different language (German). This study included an analysis of the nomological validity of the scale by examining the association between dog routine and canine behavioral problems. A total of 154 dog owners from Ingolstadt (Germany) participated in this study. The results supported the reliability and validity of the scale. Additionally, the results showed that a consistent routine is associated with reduced behavioral problems. Study 3 was performed to validate the scale in a third language (English) and to examine the associations between dog routine and behavioral problems, owner satisfaction, and intention to abandon the dog. A total of 182 English-speaking dog owners from Ingolstadt (Germany) participated in this study. The results showed that a consistent routine is associated with reduced behavioral problems, which is associated with higher owner satisfaction and reduced intention to abandon the animal. The implications of these results in the field of human-animal relationships and thoughts on future research are presented.



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