
A cool way to save ships


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Shipping has been waitingfor some time for high-temperature superconductor HTS motors, with their promised weightsavingsand improved efficiency, but now a new marine use has been found for the technology. Degaussing of ships used to be something that was done on a regular basis to combat the risks posed by magnetic mines left overfrom the Second World Waror laid in more recent conflicts. A more permanentsolution was to install copper coils inside the hull through which a current was passed. Either process prevented the steel of a ship's hull from concentrating the Earth's magnetic field and thus made it less likely to activate mines. Mines have been the cause of 77 of US Navy ship casualties occurring since 1950. Most recently, the modern warships USS Samuel B. Roberts, USS Princeton and USS Tripoli sustained severe damagefrom mines during conflicts in the Gulf. Last year, the US Navy tested a new system in conjunction with American Superconductor and cable manufacturer Nexans using superconducting ceramic materials, instead of traditional copper cables, to neutralise the magneticsignature of the ship.
机译:运输一直等待着一些时间高温超导体超导电机、他们承诺weightsavingsand改进效率,但现在一个新的海洋使用发现这项技术。过去经常做的事情战斗磁性矿带来的风险的基础第二次世界Waror overfrom铺设更多最近的冲突。安装在船体通过铜线圈电流通过。防止钢船的船体地球的磁场,从而集中使它不太可能激活矿山。是77%的美国海军舰艇伤亡的原因自1950年以来发生的。普林斯顿和军舰塞缪尔·b·罗伯茨号航空母舰号的黎波里damagefrom矿山持续严重在海湾地区的冲突。海军测试新系统结合美国超导和电缆制造商耐克森使用超导陶瓷材料,代替传统的铜电缆中和的magneticsignature船。



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