首页> 外文期刊>Human psychopharmacology: clinical and experimental >Differential effects of diazepam, tandospirone, and paroxetine on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor level under mental stress

Differential effects of diazepam, tandospirone, and paroxetine on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor level under mental stress


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Objectives Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels are reduced in depressed patients, and successful antidepressant treatment leads to increases in BDNF levels. However, little is known about how psychotropic drugs affect the mechanism of the human response to mental stress. We investigated the influence of psychotropic drugs on plasma BDNF levels under mental stress using a driving simulator (DS) task. Methods Fourteen healthy male volunteers received one of four drugs, diazepam (5mg), tandospirone (20mg), paroxetine (10mg), and matched placebo, in a double-blind, crossover manner. Subjects were asked to perform the DS task 4h post-dosing. Plasma BDNF levels were measured before and after the DS task. Results Plasma BDNF levels under the placebo, diazepam, and tandospirone conditions significantly decreased after the DS task compared with before the task. Conversely, no significant differences in plasma BDNF levels were detected under the paroxetine condition. Conclusion As these three psychotropic drugs have differential effects on plasma BDNF levels under mental stress after 4h post-dosing, antidepressants, unlike anxiolytics, might have a prompt positive effect on the mental stress response.
机译:目标血清脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)水平降低抑郁的患者,和抗抑郁药物治疗会导致成功提高BDNF水平。精神药品是如何影响人类应对心理压力的机制。我们研究了精神的影响药物在血浆BDNF水平精神压力使用驾驶模拟器(DS)的任务。十四岁的健康男性志愿者之一四种药物,安定(5毫克),tandospirone(20毫克),帕罗西汀(10毫克),和匹配的安慰剂双盲交叉方式。要求执行DS task 4 h post-dosing。等离子体BDNF水平测量之前和之后DS的任务。安慰剂、安定和tandospirone条件DS任务后显著降低相比之前的任务。等离子体BDNF水平的显著差异帕罗西汀条件下检测到。结论随着这三种精神药品微分对血浆脑源性神经营养因子水平的影响4 h post-dosing后精神压力,抗抑郁药、抗焦虑药不同,可能有一个提示的精神压力带来正面的影响响应。



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