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Factors associated with the severity of delirium


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Background: Various factors affecting the development of delirium have been identified. However, the associations between the severity of delirium and potentially related factors have not been adequately investigated. The aim of the present study was to explore factors associated with the severity of delirium and to identify the reversible contributing factors.Methods: A total of 577 patients with delirium referred to the Department of Psychiatry during the 5 years from May 2015 to April 2020 at a general hospital were included. The Delirium Rating Scale-revised-98 (DRS-R-98) was used to measure the severity of delirium. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine whether individual factors were associated with the severity of delirium. Results: Intensive care unit admission (p = 0.003), use of benzodiazepines (p = 0.01), dementia (p = 0.02), and older age (p = 0.045) were all positively associated the severity of delirium, while use of 3-blockers (p = 0.001) was negatively associated with the severity of delirium.Conclusions: Reversible contributing factors, that is use of benzodiazepines, should be avoided as much as possible, especially in elderly patients or patients with dementia or patients who need critical care in ICU. Reducing the dose of benzodiazepines or switching them to other drugs should be a priority.
机译:背景:各种影响因素精神错乱已确定的发展。然而,的严重程度之间的关系没有精神错乱和潜在的相关因素充分调查。本研究旨在探讨相关的因素精神错乱的严重程度和识别可逆因素。577患者谵妄指的是精神病学部门在5年2015年5月至2020年4月在综合医院吗包括在内。(drs - r - 98)被用来测量的严重程度精神错乱。确定个人的因素与精神错乱的严重程度有关。结果:重症监护室(p =的承认0.003),使用苯二氮卓类(p = 0.01),痴呆(p = 0.02),年龄(p = 0.045)都积极相关的严重程度精神错乱,而使用| 3-blockers (p = 0.001)是负相关的严重程度精神错乱。因素,使用苯二氮卓类,应该尽可能地避免,特别是在老年病人或痴呆患者患者需要在加护病房急救护理。苯二氮平类药物的剂量或开关其他药物应是优先考虑的事情。



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