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Photon density waves scattered from cylindrical inhomogeneities: theory and experiments


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We present an analytical solution for the scattering of diffuse photon density waves from an infinite circular, cylindrical inhomogeneity embedded in a homogeneous highly scattering turbid medium. The analytical solution, based on the diffusion approximation of the Boltzmann transport equation, represents the contribution of the cylindrical inhomogeneity as a series of modified Bessel functions integrated from zero to infinity and weighted by different angular dependencies. This series is truncated at the desired precision, similar to the Mie theory. We introduce new boundary conditions that account for specular reflections at the interface between the background medium and the cylindrical inhomogeneity. These new boundary conditions allow the separate recovery of the index of refraction of an object hom its absorption and reduced scattering coefficients. The analytical solution is compared with data obtained experimentally to evaluate the predictive capability of the model. Optical properties of known cylindrical objects are recovered accurately. However, as the radius of the cylinder decreases, the required measurement signal-to-noise ratio rapidly increases. Because of the new boundary conditions, an upper limit can be placed on the recovered size of cylindrical objects with radii below 0.3 cm if they have a substantially different index of refraction from that of the background medium. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America. [References: 17]
机译:我们提出了一种分析解决方案,用于从均匀的高度散射混浊介质中嵌入的无限圆形,圆柱不均匀性散射光子密度波。该解析解基于玻耳兹曼输运方程的扩散近似,代表了圆柱不均匀性的贡献,它是一系列从零到无穷大并由不同角度相关性加权的修正贝塞尔函数。与Mie理论类似,该序列以所需的精度被截断。我们引入了新的边界条件,该条件说明了在背景介质和圆柱不均匀性之间的界面处的镜面反射。这些新的边界条件允许物体的折射率分别恢复,以实现其吸收和降低的散射系数。将分析解决方案与通过实验获得的数据进行比较,以评估模型的预测能力。已知圆柱物体的光学特性可以准确恢复。但是,随着圆柱体半径的减小,所需的测量信噪比会迅速增加。由于新的边界条件,如果半径小于0.3 cm的圆柱体的折射率与背景介质的折射率大不相同,则可以对半径小于0.3 cm的圆柱体的恢复尺寸设置上限。 (C)1998年美国眼镜学会。 [参考:17]



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