
Surfactant dysfunction in lung contusion with and without superimposed gastric aspiration in a rat model.


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This study investigates surfactant dysfunction in rats with lung contusion (LC) induced by blunt chest trauma. Rats at 24 h postcontusion had a decreased percent content of large surfactant aggregates in cell-free bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and altered large-aggregate composition with decreased phosphatidylcholine (PC), increased lyso-PC, and increased protein compared with uninjured controls. The surface activity of large aggregates on a pulsating bubble surfactometer was also severely impaired at 24 h postcontusion. Decreases in large surfactant aggregate content and surface activity were improved, but still apparent, at 48 and 72 h postcontusion compared with uninjured control rats and returned to normal by 96 h postcontusion. The functional importance of surfactant abnormalities in LC injury was documented in pilot studies showing that exogenous surfactant replacement at 24 h postcontusion improved inflation/deflation lung volumes. Additional experiments investigated a clinically relevant combination of LC plus gastric aspiration (combined acid and small gastric food particles) and found reductions in large surfactant aggregates in BAL similar to those for LC. However, rats given LC + combined acid and small gastric food particles versus LC had more severe surfactant dysfunction based on decreases in surface activity and alterations in large aggregate composition. Combined data for all animal groups had strong statistical correlations between surfactant dysfunction (increased minimum surface tension, decreased large aggregates in BAL, decreased aggregate PC, and increased aggregate lyso-PC) and the severity of inflammatory lung injury (increased total protein, albumin, protein/phospholipid ratio, neutrophils, and erythrocytes in BAL plus increased whole lung myeloperoxidase activity). These results show that surfactant dysfunction is important in the pathophysiology of LC with or without concurrent gastric aspiration and provides a rationale for surfactant replacement therapy in these prevalent clinical conditions.
机译:摘要本研究主要探讨表面活性剂功能障碍老鼠在肺挫伤(LC)由钝胸部创伤。减少了大量表面活性剂含量百分比骨料颗粒支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)和改变large-aggregate组成与降低磷脂酰胆碱(PC),lyso-PC增加,增加蛋白质相比与未受伤害的控制。大骨料脉动泡沫以24小时surfactometer也严重受损postcontusion。总体内容和表面活性改善,但仍明显,在48和72 hpostcontusion而未受伤害的控制老鼠和96 h恢复正常postcontusion。表面活性剂异常LC受伤记录在试点研究表明外源性表面活性剂替代在24小时postcontusion提高通胀/通缩肺卷。LC +的临床相关的组合(结合酸和胃愿望很小胃减少食物残渣)和发现大型表面活性剂聚集BAL相似的信用证。酸和小胃食物残渣和LC有更严重的表面活性剂功能障碍的基础上吗降低表面活性和改变大骨料组成。所有动物群体具有很强的统计表面活性剂功能障碍之间的相关性(增加最低表面张力,减少大骨料落下帷幕,减少总电脑,和增加总lyso-PC)和严重性炎症性肺损伤(总数增加蛋白、白蛋白、蛋白质/磷脂比,中性粒细胞,红细胞在落下帷幕增加整个肺髓过氧物酶活动)。这些结果表明,表面活性剂功能障碍重要的病理生理学与或LC没有并发胃愿望和表面活性剂替代提供了一个理由在这些普遍的临床治疗情况。



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