
TLR ligand decreases mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion injury-induced gut damage through TNF-alpha signaling.


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Ischemic gut contributes to the development of sepsis and organ failure in critically ill patients. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been reported to mediate the pathophysiology of organ damage following ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. We hypothesize that LPS, a ligand for TLR4, decreases mesenteric I/R injury-induced gut damage through tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) signaling. First, wild-type (WT) mice were fed with oral antibiotics for 4 weeks to deplete the intestinal commensal microflora. At week 3, drinking water was supplemented with LPS (10 microg/microL) to trigger TLRs. The intestinal mucosa was harvested for TLR4 protein, caspase 3 activity, and terminal deoxynucleotide transferase labeling assay. Second, WT and Tnfrsf1a mice received 30-min ischemia and 30-min reperfusion (30I-30R) or 30I-180R of the intestine; intestinal permeability and lipid peroxidation of the intestine were examined. Third, WT and Tnfrsf1a mice were fed with oral antibiotics with or without LPS and received 30I-180R of the intestine. The intestinal mucosa was harvested for lipid peroxidation; glutathione (GSH) level; nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and AP-1 DNA-binding activity; Bcl-w, TNF-alpha, and CXCR2 mRNA expression; and HSP70 protein assay. Commensal depletion increased caspase 3 activity as well as villi apoptosis and decreased TLR4 expression of the intestinal mucosa. LPS increased TLR4 expression and decreased villi apoptosis. Commensal depletion augmented 30I-180R-induced intestine permeability as well as lipid peroxidation and decreased GSH level in WT mice but not in Tnfrsf1a mice. LPS decreased 30I-180R-induced intestinal permeability as well as lipid peroxidation and increased GSH level of the intestinal mucosa in WT mice but not in Tnfrsf1a mice. Commensal depletion with 30I-180R increased NF-kappaB and AP-1 DNA-binding activity, HSP70 protein expression, and decreased Bcl-w and TNF-alpha mRNA expression of the intestinal mucosa in WT mice but not in Tnfrsf1a mice. Collectively, commensal microflora induces TLR4 expression and decreases apoptosis of the intestinal mucosa. Commensal depletion enhances I/R-induced gut damage. LPS prevents I/R-induced intestinal permeability, lipid peroxidation, and decrease in GSH level. Given that the preventive effect of LPS on I/R-induced gut damage and NF-kappaB activity of the intestine is abolished in Tnfrsf1a mice, we conclude that TLR ligand decreases mesenteric I/R injury-induced gut damage through TNF-alpha signaling.
机译:肠道缺血导致的发展脓毒症、器官衰竭病危病人。据报道,调解器官的病理生理学损伤后缺血/再灌注(I / R)受伤。TLR4、减少肠系膜I / R创伤性肠道通过肿瘤坏死因子-α的伤害(tnf)信号。与口服抗生素喂养4周消耗肠道共生的微生物区系。星期3,饮用水与LPS补充(10 microg / microL)触发通常。肠道粘膜收获了TLR4蛋白质,半胱天冬酶3活动,和终端deoxynucleotide转移酶标记分析。Tnfrsf1a老鼠收到30分钟缺血30分钟再灌注(30 i-30r)或30 i - 180 - r的肠;过氧化反应肠道的检查。第三,WT Tnfrsf1a老鼠口服抗生素有或没有有限合伙人和接收30我- 180 r的肠道。脂质过氧化是收获;(谷胱甘肽)水平;和AP-1 dna结合蛋白活动;和CXCR2 mRNA表达;化验。活动以及绒毛细胞凋亡减少TLR4的表达肠道粘膜。增加TLR4表达和减少绒毛细胞凋亡。30我- 180 - r -诱导肠渗透性脂质过氧化和谷胱甘肽水平降低WT老鼠而不是Tnfrsf1a老鼠。30我- 180 - r -诱导肠道通透性脂质过氧化反应和增加谷胱甘肽的水平在WT老鼠但不是在肠道粘膜Tnfrsf1a老鼠。增加NF-kappaB和AP-1 dna结合蛋白活动中,HSP70蛋白表达减少Bcl-w和tnf mRNA的表达肠道粘膜在Tnfrsf1a WT老鼠但不是老鼠。TLR4的表达,减少细胞凋亡肠道粘膜。我/ R-induced肠道损伤。肠道通透性,脂质过氧化反应,减少谷胱甘肽的水平。有限合伙人对I / R-induced肠道损伤的影响NF-kappaB肠的活动取消在Tnfrsf1a老鼠,我们得出结论,TLR配体减少肠系膜I / R创伤性肠道通过tnf信号损伤。



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