首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Enhancement of photoluminescence and hole mobility in 1-to 5-layer InSe due to the top valence-band inversion: strain effect

Enhancement of photoluminescence and hole mobility in 1-to 5-layer InSe due to the top valence-band inversion: strain effect


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Recently, two-dimensional (2D) few-layer InSe nanosheets have become one of the most interesting materials due to their excellent electron transport, wide bandgap tunability and good metal contact. However, their low photoluminescence (PL) efficiency and hole mobility seriously restrict their application in 2D InSe-based nano-devices. Here, by exerting a suitable compressive strain, a remarkable modification for the electronic structure and the optical and transport properties of 1- to 5-layer InSe has been confirmed by powerful GW-BSE calculations. Both top valence band inversion and indirect-to-direct bandgap transition are induced; the light polarization is reversed from Ec to E perpendicular to c; and the PL intensity and hole mobility are enhanced greatly. Surprisingly, under 6 compressive strain, the light emission of monolayer InSe with E perpendicular to c is allowed at 2.58 eV, which has never been observed previously. Meanwhile, for the 2D few-layer InSe, the PL with E perpendicular to c polarization increases over 10 times in intensity and has a blue-shift at about 0.6-0.7 eV, and the hole mobility increases two orders of magnitude up to 10(3) cm(2) V-1 s(-1), as high as electron mobility. The strained few-layer InSe are thus a promising candidate for future 2D electronic and optoelectronic nano-devices.
机译:最近,二维(2 d) few-layer InSenanosheets已经成为其中一个最由于其出色的有趣的材料电子传递,宽禁带的可调性和良好的金属接触。光致发光(PL)效率和洞流动性严重限制其应用2 d InSe-based纳米器件。合适的压缩应变,一个了不起的电子结构和修改光学和运输的性质1 -五InSe已经被强大的GW-BSE证实计算。indirect-to-direct能带跃迁是诱导;E | | c E垂直于c;强度和空穴迁移率都大大增强。令人惊讶的是,6%的压缩应变下,光发射的单层InSe E垂直于c是允许在2.58 eV,以前从来没有观察到。对于2 d few-layer InSe, PL E垂直于c极化增加超过10*在强度和有蓝移0.6 - -0.7 eV,空穴迁移率增加了两个数量级10 cm(2)(3)与它们年代(1),高电子迁移率。few-layer InSe因此有前途的候选人未来的2 d电子和光电纳米器件。



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