首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Pulse laser-induced size-controllable and symmetrical ordering of single-crystal Si islands

Pulse laser-induced size-controllable and symmetrical ordering of single-crystal Si islands


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Optically electric- and magnetic resonance-induced dielectric nanostructures have garnered significant attention due to applications as tunable electronic and optoelectronic device. In this letter, we describe an ultrafast and large-area method to construct symmetrical and single-crystal Si island structures directly on Si substrates by a pulse laser dewetting method. The tunable surface electric field intensity distribution could convert the stochastic dewetting process into a deterministic process (classical dipole mode and Mie resonance dipole mode) on predefined Si pit arrays via laser dewetting. Under this condition, these pre-patterned Si substrate structures not only induced high spatial ordering of islands, but also improved their size uniformity. By adjusting the laser fluence, the diameter of the single-crystal Si islands could be selected in the range 41.7-147.1 nm.
机译:光电和磁的共振介电纳米结构已经获得由于应用程序作为重要的关注可调电子和光电设备。这封信,我们描述一个超速大面积构造对称和方法直接在单晶Si岛结构如果基质脉冲激光去湿法。可调表面电场强度可以把随机分布去湿过程变成一个确定的过程(古典对称模式和三重共振偶极子通过激光模式)在预定义的Si坑阵列去湿。不仅pre-patterned Si衬底结构诱导高空间顺序的岛屿,但是也提高了大小均匀。激光能量密度的直径可以选择在单晶Si岛屿41.7 - -147.1 nm范围。



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  • 专利
  • 1. PULSE COUNTER (SI) [P] . 外国专利: RU2579524C1 . 2016-04-10

    机译:pulse counter (SI)



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