首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >Development, Reliability, and Validity of a New Preference and Satisfaction Questionnaire

Development, Reliability, and Validity of a New Preference and Satisfaction Questionnaire


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Objectives: Existing questionnaires that assess preference and/or satisfaction with postmenopausal bone loss treatments were reviewed and determined to be inadequate for the assessment of an oral pill versus a subcutaneous injection. The Preference and Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) was developed to assess preference, satisfaction, and bother with a weekly oral tablet versus a once every 6 months subcutaneous injection for treatment of postmenopausal bone loss. Methods: Questions were developed based on literature review and expert input. Content validity of the PSQ in this patient population was assessed among current or previous bisphosphonate users in group interviews, and item comprehension and readability were also evaluated. Reliability, validity, and structure of the questionnaire were assessed in two phase 3 randomized clinical trials. Results: Twenty-four women participated in cognitive interviews and found the PSQ understandable and acceptable. Subsequently, 1583 trial participants took the PSQ. Interitem correlations, ranging from 0.50 to 0.97 for preferenceitems, 0.85 to 0.94 for pill-satisfaction items, and 0.84 to 0.92 for injection-satisfaction items, and a well-fitting confirmatory factor analysis (root mean square error of approximation 0.04, nonnormed fit index 0.99, and root mean square residual 0.08) supported the structure of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha reliability values for pill satisfaction, injection satisfaction, pill bother, and injection bother were 0.93, 0.89, 0.82, and 0.61, respectively. Discriminative validity was indicated with better satisfaction and bother scores being related to adherence and the absence of adverse events. Conclusions: The PSQ is a valid and reliable measure and may be a valuable tool to assess patient preference and satisfaction with a weekly oral tablet and 6-month subcutaneous injection for postmenopausal bone loss.
机译:目的:现有问卷评估偏好和/或满意综述了绝经后骨质疏松的治疗和决心是不够的评估口服避孕药和皮下注入。调查问卷(PSQ)开发的评估偏好、满意度和困扰每周口服平板电脑和每6个月一次皮下注射治疗绝经后骨质疏松。开发了基于文献综述和专家输入。病人是在当前或评估以前二磷酸盐的用户组采访中,理解和和项目可读性也被评估。问卷的效度和结构在两个阶段3随机临床评估试用在认知采访,发现PSQ理解和接受的。试验参与者PSQ。相关性,从0.50到0.97preferenceitems, 0.85到0.94pill-satisfaction项目,0.84到0.92injection-satisfaction项和合身验证性因子分析(均方根0.04近似误差,nonnormed健康指数0.99,均方根剩余0.08)仪器的结构支持。量表的阿尔法值可靠性药丸满意度,注入满意度,药丸打扰,注入打扰0.93,0.89,分别为0.82和0.61。效度是表示有更好的满意度和打扰分数与坚持不良事件的缺失。PSQ是有效和可靠的测量和可能有价值的工具来评估病人的偏好和满意每周口服平板电脑和6个月为绝经后皮下注射骨质流失。



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