首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >Metric properties of the MacDQoL, individualized Macular-disease-specific Quality of Life instrument, and newly identified subscales in French, German, Italian, and American populations

Metric properties of the MacDQoL, individualized Macular-disease-specific Quality of Life instrument, and newly identified subscales in French, German, Italian, and American populations


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Objectives: The aims of this analysis were to confirm the UK results in other countries and to explore the possibility of subscales of the 25-Item Macular disease Dependent Quality of Life (MacDQoL) questionnaire. Methods: Two clinical studies were pooled. Principal components analyses (Varimax) were conducted on baseline data from each country and from all combined. Factorial structures were compared between countries, and Cronbach alpha values were used to identify item clusters. Four groups of patients were created according to visual acuity (VA) in the best eye (BE 0.48) and factor loadings >0.49 on a forced one-factor analysis supported the use of an average weighted impact score. Four constructs (Cronbach alpha >0.8) were derived, represented by the labels: Essential tasks, Family/social life, Activities/capabilities, and Embarrassment. The structure did not differ among the four countries involved, except one item (Finance), which has been excluded. Patients with BE VA 10/20 and WE VA >10/100 (MacDQoL P < 0.0001; NEI-VFQ-25 P < 0.0001). Conclusions: The analysis confirmed the metric properties of the MacDQoL. The MacDQoL offers a broad individualized measure of the impact of MD on quality of life.
机译:目的:分析的目的确认在其他国家,英国的结果探索的分量表的可能性25-Item黄斑疾病相关的生活质量(MacDQoL)问卷。研究都是集中的。分析(最大方差法)进行了基线每个国家的数据,从所有的总和。的阶乘结构之间的比较国家,克伦巴赫α值被用来识别项目集群。创建根据视力(VA)最好的眼睛( 0.48)和因子载荷>强制单因素分析支持的使用加权平均分数的影响。(克伦巴赫α> 0.8)派生,代表标签:至关重要的任务,家庭/社会生活、活动/功能,和尴尬。没有在四个不同的结构相关国家,除了一项(金融)已被排除在外。 10/20和我们VA > 10/100 (MacDQoL P < 0.0001;P < 0.0001)。度规MacDQoL的属性。提供了一个广泛的个性化的衡量医学博士对生活质量的影响。



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