首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Decrease spectral phase modulation with spectral scanning filter for coherent pulse contrast improvement in femtosecond laser system

Decrease spectral phase modulation with spectral scanning filter for coherent pulse contrast improvement in femtosecond laser system


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A spectral scanning filter method for decreasing the spectral phase modulation to improve the coherent intensity contrast in the chirped pulse amplification system is proposed and studied theoretically, which is made use of the frequency offset between the chirped signal pulse and the prepulse (or the postpulse). The spectral scanning filter based on the rapid Fabry-Perot (F-P) interference for reducing the pre-pulse and post-pulse originated from the spectral phase modulation is analyzed theoretically and simulated numerically. The numerical simulation results show that the coherent pulse contrast can be improved by 0.41F(2) for the chirped pulse and the compressed pulse, and the transmission efficiency of the chirped signal pulse can exceed 90% when the synchronizing time jitter ranges from -2 ps to 2 ps and the chirp rate parametric from -0.1C/T-2 to 0.1C/T-2. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
机译:为减少光谱扫描过滤方法提高光谱相位调制啁啾脉冲相干强度对比放大系统提出和研究从理论上讲,这是利用了频率抵消和啁啾信号脉冲之间的前脉冲(或postpulse)。扫描基于快速法布里-珀罗滤波器(.)为减少pre-pulse和干扰post-pulse起源于谱阶段从理论上分析了调制模拟的数值。结果表明,相干脉冲对比提高0.41度(2)脉搏和鸣叫脉冲压缩和传输啁啾信号脉冲的效率可以超过当时间同步抖动范围90%从2 p 2 p和唧唧喳喳率参数从-0.1到0.1 (c / 2 c / 2。




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