首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Effects of symmetric triazinone (toltrazuril) on developmental stages of Enteromyxum scophthalmi parasitizing turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.): a light and electron microscopic study.

Effects of symmetric triazinone (toltrazuril) on developmental stages of Enteromyxum scophthalmi parasitizing turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.): a light and electron microscopic study.

机译:对称性三嗪酮(托曲脲)对冬虫夏草寄生大菱turbo(Scophthalmus maximus L.)的发育阶段的影响:光电子显微镜研究。

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In recent years, a new parasite that causes severe losses has been detected in farmed turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in Northwestern Spain. Dead fish showed emaciation and cachexy caused by severe necrotizing enteritis that affected all portions of the digestive tract. The parasite was classified as a myxosporean and named Enteromyxum scophthalmi. This study tested toltrazuril (symmetric triazinone) in order to determine whether this commercial compound can be used as an effective treatment for fish affected by E. scophthalmi. To this end, we used turbot experimentally infected with E. scophthalmi and treated with toltrazuril, and at various time points after exposure and treatment, their digestive tracts were assessed histologically. We found that the drug induced generalized vacuolization in the cytoplasm of parasitic cells, with destruction of mitochondria and enlargement of endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and of the perinuclear spaces. Despite the apparent pathological changes shown by the parasite, the particular dose, route and duration of toltrazuril administration used in this study did not ameliorate the clinical progress of the disease in turbot infected by E. scophthalmi..
机译:近年来,在西班牙西北部的养殖比目鱼(Scophthalmus maximus)中发现了一种导致严重损失的新寄生虫。死鱼表现出严重的坏死性肠炎,导致消瘦和恶病质,影响整个消化道。该寄生虫被归类为粘孢子菌,并命名为肠霉菌。这项研究测试了托曲唑(对称性三嗪酮),以确定这种商业化合物是否可以用作对受大肠杆菌感染的鱼类的有效治疗方法。为此,我们使用了实验性感染了scophthalmi大肠杆菌并用toltrazuril治疗的大菱t,在暴露和治疗后的各个时间点,对它们的消化道进行了组织学评估。我们发现该药物在寄生细胞的细胞质中诱导普遍的空泡化,破坏线粒体并扩大内质网池和核周间隙。尽管该寄生虫显示出明显的病理学改变,但本研究中使用的托曲脲的特定剂量,途径和持续时间并没有改善该被大肠杆菌感染的菱by的临床进展。



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