首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Planets >A K-Means Clustering Analysis of the Jovian and Terrestrial Magnetopauses: A Technique to Classify Global Magnetospheric Behavior

A K-Means Clustering Analysis of the Jovian and Terrestrial Magnetopauses: A Technique to Classify Global Magnetospheric Behavior

机译:木星的k - means聚类分析地球磁层:技术全球磁性层的行为进行分类

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Previous studies suggested that the Jovian magnetopause position is best characterized as a bimodal distribution indicative of a two-state system. We applied a modified k-means clustering analysis to observations of the Jovian and terrestrial magnetopause crossings. Clustering analysis using pre-Juno data shows that the Jovian magnetopause is best described as a two-state system, whereas the terrestrial magnetopause is best described by a single state, indicating that the behavior of the Jovian magnetopause is fundamentally different from that of the terrestrial magnetopause. We also analyzed magnetopause locations detected by the Juno spacecraft and conclude that their distribution is consistent with a two-state system. The origin of the different number of Jovian and terrestrial magnetopause states may be due to the disparate source strengths supplying the two magnetospheres. The Jovian magnetosphere is supplied with about a metric ton of Iogenic heavy ions per second, whereas the terrestrial source, Earth's ionosphere, is two orders of magnitude weaker. A suggestive correlation between Io phase and magnetopause state may be consistent with this proposed link between an internal source and a two-state magnetopause. The possible role of energetic magnetospheric events and Jovian current systems is discussed.




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