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Computing matrix symmetrizers, finally possible via the Huang and Nong algorithm


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By a theorem of Frobenius (F.G. Frobenius, über die mit einer Matrix vertauschbaren Matrizen, Sitzungsberichte der K?niglich Preu?ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1910), pp. 3-15 (also in Gesammelte Abhandlungen, Band 3, Springer 1968. pp. 415-427)), every matrix A _(n,n) over any field F{double-struck} is the product of two symmetric ones. Using the algorithm of Huang and Nong (J. Huang and L. Nong, An iterative algorithm for solving finite-dimensional linear operator equations T(x) = f with applications, Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010), pp. 1176-1188) for linear systems, we develop an algorithm to compute a symmetric matrix S = S ~T ∈ F{double-struck}n,n for which SA is symmetric for any given square matrix A ∈ F{double-struck}n,n where F{double-struck} = ? or ?. The algorithm is implemented and tested in MATLAB.
机译:弗罗贝尼乌斯定理(F.G.弗罗贝尼乌斯,乳房其中一篇矩阵vertauschbaren蜡纸,Sitzungsberichte K ?柏林的科学院(1910年)pp工作.3日- 15日(也在Gesammelte Abhandlungen,带3,施普林格1968年。_ (n, n)在任何领域F {double-struck}产品的两个对称的。黄黄和侬(j .算法和L。笨蛋,迭代算法求解有限维线性算子方程T (x)= f与应用,线性代数:432(2010),页1176 - 1188)对于线性系统,我们开发一个算法来计算一个对称的矩阵S = S ~ T∈F {double-struck} n, n的SA是对称的∈对于任何给定的方阵F {double-struck} n, n F {double-struck} = ??。MATLAB。



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