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Court Finds Web Site's Infringement Willful, Awards Copyright Owner Statutory Damages


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A device maker that claimed that a competitors' Web site infringed its copyright in a sales catalogue was due 30,000 dollars in statutory damages, but should surrender a domain name registration that incorporated the competitor's name, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia ruled June 18 (Silver Ring Splint Co. v. Digisplint Inc., W.D. Va., No. 3:06cv00065, 6/18/08). On April 9, the court had awarded summary judgment to Silver Ring Splint Co. on its claim that Digisplint Inc.'s Web site had incorporated its copyrighted materials. In its latest decision, the court determined that the infringement had been willful and that Silver Ring was entitled to a damages award at the outside range of the statute.
机译:设备制造商声称,一个竞争对手的在一个销售网站侵犯了其版权目录是由于30000美元的法定损害赔偿,但应该投降一个域名登记,结合竞争对手的名字,美国地方法院西方维吉尼亚地区统治6月18日(银戒指夹板公司诉Digisplint Inc . W.D.弗吉尼亚州。3:06cv00065 6/18/08)。即决判决给银戒指夹板公司在其声称Digisplint Inc .)的网站包含受版权保护的材料。法院认定,其最新的决定侵权被故意,银戒指是有权的损害赔偿金法令的范围之外。




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