首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy >Transition From Phasic to Tonic Contractility in Airway Smooth Muscle After Birth: An Experimental and Computational Modeling Study

Transition From Phasic to Tonic Contractility in Airway Smooth Muscle After Birth: An Experimental and Computational Modeling Study


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Fetal airway smooth muscle (ASM) exhibits phasic contractile behavior, which transitions to a more sustained "tonic" contraction after birth. The timing and underlying mechanisms of ASM transition from a phasic to a tonic contractile phenotype are yet to be established. We characterized phasic ASM contraction in preterm (128 day gestation), term (~150 day gestation), 1-4 month, 1 yr, and adult sheep (5yr). Spontaneous phasic activity was measured in bronchial segments as amplitude, frequency, and intensity. The mechanism of phasic ASM contraction was investigated further with a computational model of ASM force development and lumen narrowing. The computational model comprised a two-dimensional cylindrical geometry of a network of contractile units and the activation of neighboring cells was dependent on the strength of coupling between cells. As expected, phasic contractions were most prominent in fetal airways and decreased with advancing age, to a level similar to the level in the 1-4 month lambs. Computational predictions demonstrated phasic contraction through the generation of a wave of activation events, the magnitude of which is determined by the number of active cells and the strength of cell-cell interactions. Decreases in phasic contraction with advancing age were simulated by reducing cell-cell coupling. Results show that phasic activity is suppressed rapidly after birth, then sustained at a lower intensity from the preweaning phase until adulthood in an ovine developmental model. Cell-cell coupling is proposed as a key determinant of phasic ASM contraction and if reduced could explain the observed maturational changes.
机译:胎儿气管平滑肌(ASM)展示阶段过渡到一个更收缩行为持续的“补药”出生后收缩。时机和ASM的潜在机制从一个阶段过渡到强直性收缩表现型尚未建立。早产特征阶段ASM萎缩(妊娠128天),任期(怀孕~ 150天),1 - 4月,1年,成年绵羊(5年)。自发阶段活动测量支气管部分的振幅、频率和强度。是调查进一步收缩计算模型的发展和ASM力量腔缩小。由一个二维圆柱几何一个网络的收缩和单位相邻细胞的激活是依赖细胞之间的耦合的强度。预期,相位的收缩是最突出的与推进胎儿呼吸道和减少年龄、水平类似于1 - 4的水平月的小羊。通过展示阶段的收缩代的一波又一波的激活事件大小是由数量决定的活性细胞和信息的力量交互。随着年龄增长被减少模拟信息耦合。活动是出生后迅速镇压持续较低强度的preweaning阶段直到成年绵羊的发展模式。提出了相位的ASM的关键因素收缩,如果减少可以解释观察到成熟的变化。



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