首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Sustainability >The influence of anthropogenic activities on wetland integrity dynamics: a case study of the Rwampara wetland in Rwanda

The influence of anthropogenic activities on wetland integrity dynamics: a case study of the Rwampara wetland in Rwanda


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Abstract Wetlands are prolific ecosystems in the world, and thus, information related to their change is pertinent for ecological monitoring processes. This study aims at informing anthropogenic activities and their effects on the health of Rwampara wetland distinctive with climate change effects. We assumed that these activities have led to a significant change in land use and land cover (LULC) which accelerated the disturbance of the wetland with corresponding changes to associated biological communities. Results revealed a change of Rwampara wetland over the past eighteen years where a remarkable decline in wetland area (from 58.6 to 20.7%) coincided with an increase in built-up areas (from 9.06 to 76.16%). The degradation of the area is attributed to human activities such as agriculture and waste dumping mostly practiced in and around the area. This degradation has also been indicated by the presence of plant bio-indicators (Datura stramonium and Tithonia diversifolia), animal species especially anurans (Phrynobatrachus natalensis, Kassina senegalensis, Ptychadena spp., Hyperolius kivuensis, H. viridiflavus, etc.), and Odonate species known to be excellent indicators inhabiting degraded ecosystems. Moreover, as to distinguish the assessed impacts of anthropogenic activities from those of climate change, the patterns of ecological structure unveiled a decline in the vegetation condition and water amounts as a result of the increasing temperature in the area. To rehabilitate and protect the integrity of the wetland, buffer zones creation and public awareness on the functions and benefits of wetland resources are highly recommended.



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