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Hatching Wrasse: Norwegian and Scottish hatcheries are leaders in the pioneering field of wrasse culture


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These days it seems that hardly a month goes by without some press coverage regarding sea lice. Whether it is to do with a perceived negative impact on wild fish runs, or an animal welfare issue, the end result is the same - bad publicity for the salmon farming sector. The history of the salmon farmers'battle against sea-lice has been long and tortuous. As new products have been developed so too has the louses' resistance to them. Even with rotation of products there has been the appearance of non-specific resistance. Using chemical products to control sea^lice has the added problem of not being constant, but rather, is targeted at optimum treatment times, with all the added problems this brings in relation to synchronicity of treatment. The problemhas cried out for a biological solution whether this is in the form of breeding, vaccine or a biological pathogen/predator.




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