首页> 外文期刊>Value in health: the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research >Impact of a University-Based Outpatient Telemedicine Program on Time Savings, Travel Costs, and Environmental Pollutants

Impact of a University-Based Outpatient Telemedicine Program on Time Savings, Travel Costs, and Environmental Pollutants


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Objective: The objective of this study was to estimate travel-related and environmental savings resulting from the use of telemedicine for outpatient specialty consultations with a university telemedicine program. Methods: The study was designed to retrospectively analyze the telemedicine consultation database at the University of California Davis Health System (UCDHS) between July 1996 and December 2013. Travel distances and travel times were calculated between the patient home, the telemedicine clinic, and the UCDHS in-person clinic. Travel cost savings and environmental impact were calculated by determining differences in mileage reimbursement rate and emissions between those incurred in attending telemedicine appointments and those that would have been incurred if a visit to the hub site had been necessary. Results: There were 19,246 consultations identified among 11,281 unique patients. Telemedicine visits resulted in a total travel distance savings of 5,345,602 miles, a total travel time savings of 4,708,891 minutes or 8.96 years, and a total direct travel cost savings of $2,882,056. The mean per consultation round-trip distance savings were 278 miles, average travel time savings were 245 minutes, and average cost savings were $156. Telemedicine consultations resulted in a total emissions savings of 1969 metric tons of CO2, 50 metric tons of CO, 3.7 metric tons of NOx, and 5.5 metric tons of volatile organic compounds. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the positive impact of a health system's outpatient telemedicine program on patient travel time, patient travel costs, and environmental pollutants. Copyright (C) 2017, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc.
机译:摘要目的:本研究的目的是估计旅游和环境的储蓄从远程医疗的使用结果门诊专业咨询大学远程医疗项目。研究旨在回顾分析数据库的远程医疗会诊加州大学戴维斯分校的卫生系统(UCDHS) 1996年7月至2013年12月。旅行距离和旅行时间计算病人家庭之间,远程医疗诊所,UCDHS面对面的诊所。节约成本和环境影响通过确定不同的里程计算报销率和排放之间在参加远程医疗预约和那些如果发生访问中心网站是必要的。结果:有19246咨询确认11281的患者。远程医疗访问导致总旅行总储蓄5345602英里的距离旅行时间节省4708891分钟或8.96年,直接节省成本的旅行2882056美元。储蓄是278英里,距离平均旅行节省了时间是245分钟,平均成本储蓄为156美元。导致1969年总排放量的储蓄吨的CO2, 50公吨的有限公司,3.7吨氮氧化物,5.5吨挥发性有机化合物。研究表明积极的影响卫生系统的门诊远程医疗项目对病人的旅行时间,病人旅行费用,环境污染物。国际药物经济学和社会研究结果(ISPOR)。公司。




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