首页> 外文期刊>Ore Geology Reviews: Journal for Comprehensive Studies of Ore Genesis and Ore Exploration >Geochemistry of Neogene Mengtuo lignite in the Lincang from western Yunnan, southwestern China: Implications for its sediment material provenance and model of element enrichment

Geochemistry of Neogene Mengtuo lignite in the Lincang from western Yunnan, southwestern China: Implications for its sediment material provenance and model of element enrichment


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The Mengtuo Basin is proximal to the Bangmai Basin, which holds the world-class coal-hosted Ge deposit and shares the same sediment material provenance as the Lincang batholith. Herein, the mineralogy and geochem-istry of Neogene Mengtuo lignite were reanalyzed using supplementary data on major element oxides and minerals. The results indicated that Mengtuo lignite is a medium-ash lignite A. The minerals in lignite are composed of quartz, kaolinite, illite, chamosite, bassanite, and rutile. Compared to common Chinese coals, Mengtuo lignite is significantly enriched in Sb, Cs, and W, enriched in Rb and U, and slightly enriched in Be, As, Cd, Bi, and Th. The rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY) are characterized by significantly positive Ce and Gd anomalies and negative Eu anomalies. A positive Ce anomaly is inherited from the sediment source material. The local Lincang granite around the Mengtuo Basin dominates the mineralogy and geochemistry of lignite and carbonaceous mudstone. Because of the lack of hydrothermal fluids, an indispensable condition for Ge miner-alization in the Mengtuo Basin, a large-scale coal-hosted Ge deposit cannot be discovered.
机译:Bangmai Mengtuo盆地近端盆地,拥有世界级的coal-hosted通用电气存款和股票相同的沉积物质临沧岩基出处。矿物学和geochem-istry新第三纪Mengtuo褐煤是使用辅助数据再分析主要元素氧化物和矿物质。表明Mengtuo褐煤medium-ash褐煤a褐煤的矿物组成石英、高岭石、伊利石、鲕绿泥石烧石膏和金红石。煤,Mengtuo褐煤明显富集对某人、Cs和W,富含Rb和U在,稍微丰富,Cd, Bi, Th。稀土元素加钇(雷)以显著积极的Ce和Gd异常和消极的欧盟异常。Ce异常是继承了沉积物源材料。矿物学和Mengtuo盆地占主导地位褐煤化学和碳质泥岩。通用电气的体液,不可或缺的条件miner-alization Mengtuo盆地,大规模coal-hosted Ge存款不能发现。




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