
Freight market


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Global CFI has inched down by $0.03/t primarily due to a $0.3/t decrease in Black Sea freight rates. Moreover, despite worseningweather conditions, sea-river rates still cannot reach the bottom in the Azov Sea ($0.33/t down over the week). Only the freight ratesfor shipments ex Gulf of Finland ice ports have risen by $0.36/t. Global ISM Commodity Index has grown by 2.6 points this week dueto higher prices for scrap, semi-finished products and Russian wheat. In the meantime, market players still report weak demand fromtraditional importers of small shipload lots of steel (Turkey and North African countries). Scrap in larger lots is mostly acquired byTurkish buyers from Europe and the US. Grain prices have increased primarily due to scant supply of the cargo from Russian exporters.Considering the above, there are few reasons for any improvements in cargo traffic in H2 February - March. Therefore, the owners ofsmall-tonnage seagoing fleet will face difficulties keeping the current level of rates, the increase is out of question.
机译:全球CFI略有下降0.03美元/ t为主由于黑色的海运费下降0.3美元/ t利率。条件下,江利率仍不能达到亚速海海的底部(0.33美元/ t下来周)。芬兰海湾冰港口已上涨0.36美元/ t。全球供应管理协会(ISM)大宗商品指数增长了2.6点点本周教授废钢价格上涨,半成品和俄罗斯小麦。同时,市场参与者仍报告需求疲软fromtraditional进口商的小型船钢(土耳其和北非国家)。废在较大的很多主要是byTurkish收购买家来自欧洲和美国。增加主要是由于缺乏供应的货物从俄罗斯出口商。以上,很少有任何改进的理由在H2 2月- 3月的货运。因此,业主ofsmall-tonnage航海保持当前的舰队将面临困难利率水平,增加的问题。



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