首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Digital Media & Policy >'Signal integrity' in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Process, positions and policies examined and explained

'Signal integrity' in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Process, positions and policies examined and explained


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Technological convergence has pushed the broadcasting value chain into a state of imbalance. The updated Audiovisual Media Services Directive with its provisiott on signal integrity attempts to recalibrate the power relations in the value chain while also aspiring to achieve cultural objectives. By triangulating qualitative research methods, we investigate what signal integrity is from a legal and technical perspective, we identify the cases in which signals are protected and determine stakeholder positions. Our main finding is that signal integrity's scope might be larger than envisaged by the European Commission but needs to be more carefully pinned down to ensure consistency of definition, interpretation and application across Member States. Furthermore, while protecting signal integrity supposedly serves a combined economic and cultural agenda, it mainly serves broadcasters' financial interests. However, since broadcasters invest most in general interest and original content, this kind of economic protectionism could be justifiable.
机译:技术的融合使得广播价值链的状态不平衡。指令其provisiott信号的完整性尝试调整的权力关系价值链的同时也有抱负的实现文化的目标。研究方法,我们研究的信号从法律和技术完整性的角度来看,我们确定的情况下信号并确定利益相关者的保护的位置。完整的范围可能比设想由欧盟委员会(European Commission)但需要更多仔细地固定下来,以确保一致性定义、解释和应用成员国。信号完整性是服务的总和经济和文化议程,它主要服务广播公司的财务利益。广播公司最一般的兴趣和投资原创内容,这种经济上的贸易保护主义可能是合理的。




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