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We thank Dr. Jo for his detailed and insightful response to our article, and for his numerous contributions to the field of arthroscopy. We also would like to state that we had no intentions of discrediting Dr. Jo in any manner. Instead, we were aiming to study the clinical usefulness of the SPK with and without half-hitches compared to other commonly used knots. Our intention was to validate the SPK in a manner relevant to our current clinical practice with No. 2 Hi-Fi suture, tying the SPK in the manner described in the original article by Jo et al. Jo et al. subsequently tested the knot with Ethibond suture and PDS II suture, which we do not commonly use any longer.In our article the SPK with a single half-hitch was termed the "modified SPK" in an effort to simplify the language of our article rather than to rename the knot originally described by Jo et al. We agree with Dr. Jo's statement that additional half-hitches do not represent a modification of the knot itself.
机译:我们感谢乔博士详细和深刻的回应我们的文章,很多对关节镜领域的贡献。还想状态,我们没有以任何方式意图的怀疑乔博士。相反,我们的目标是研究临床SPK的实用性half-hitches相比其他常用节。与我们目前的临床实践相关的方式2号高保真缝合,SPK的原文中描述的方式由乔等艾尔。乔等人随后测试的结Ethibond缝合和PDS II缝合,我们做的一般不使用任何更长的时间。SPK用一个称为半结为了简化“修改SPK”这篇文章的语言而不是重命名结最初被乔et al。乔博士就是额外的语句half-hitches并不代表的修改结本身。



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