首页> 外文期刊>Archives of internal medicine. >Invited commentary: Prostate cancer: doing less might be more. Comment on Severity of comorbidity and non-prostate cancer mortality in men with early-stage prostate cancer'.

Invited commentary: Prostate cancer: doing less might be more. Comment on Severity of comorbidity and non-prostate cancer mortality in men with early-stage prostate cancer'.


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The phrase "out of sight, out of mind," as suggested by Nicolas Bruchovsky,1 aptly describes the fact that while no other organ causes so much illness in man as the prostate, so little is known about its role in the body. And yet, with our aging population, a lifetime risk of death from prostate cancer of 3%, and dramatic (ie, 2-fold) increase in a lifetime risk of a diagnosis of prostate cancer owing to PSA screening, prostate cancer represents one of the most challenging issues facing physicians today.
机译:“眼不见心不烦”建议由尼古拉斯•Bruchovsky 1恰当地描述虽然没有其他器官造成的事实在男人的前列腺疾病,所以小了解它的作用。我们的人口老龄化,一生的死亡风险前列腺癌的3%,戏剧性的(即,一生的风险增加2倍)诊断前列腺癌由于PSA前列腺癌筛查,代表之一医生今天面临的最具挑战性的问题。



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  • 1. PROSTATE CANCER GEN. [P] . 外国专利: ES2190925T3 . 2003-09-01

    机译:prostate cancer gen.



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