首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Record Case Reports >Use of immunostimulants in the successful treatment of a clinical EEHV1A infection in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)

Use of immunostimulants in the successful treatment of a clinical EEHV1A infection in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)


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Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus haemorrhagic disease (EEHV-HD) poses a significant threat to the captive population of juvenile Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) and also affects elephants in the wild. In human and veterinary medicine, increasing attention is returning to the interferon system, a crucial mediator in the immune response for control of infection. We describe the first reported use of the Zelnate DNA immunostimulant and recombinant human interferon alpha (rhIFN alpha) as additional medications in the successful treatment of a case of EEHV1A-HD in a juvenile Asian elephant at a UK zoo. Despite an exponential rise in viraemia to a peak of 2.82x10(6) viral genomic equivalents/ml, only mild clinical signs developed and the calf survived with no adverse effects attributed to the novel treatments. This case is compared with a previous fatal case within the same herd where Zelnate and rhIFN alpha were not given.
机译:大象endotheliotropic疱疹病毒出血热疾病(EEHV-HD)构成了重大威胁亚洲青少年的圈养种群大象(Elephas马克西姆斯),也影响大象在野外。药,回到了越来越多的关注干扰素系统中一个至关重要的中介免疫反应为控制感染。描述第一个使用Zelnate报道DNA免疫刺激剂和重组人类干扰素α(rhIFNα)作为附加药物的成功治疗情况少年的EEHV1A-HD亚洲象在英国动物园。高点2.82 x10(6)病毒基因组等价物/毫升,发达国家和小牛只有轻微的临床症状没有不利影响归因于幸存下来这部小说的治疗方法。前一个致命病例在同一个群Zelnate和rhIFNα没有给予。



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