首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Record Case Reports >Right-sided congestive heart failure secondary to supraventricular tachycardia in a dog with a right atrial mass

Right-sided congestive heart failure secondary to supraventricular tachycardia in a dog with a right atrial mass


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A dog was referred to the authors' hospital for further investigations of pelvic limb collapsing episodes. Physical examination revealed a positive hepatojugular reflux, positive fluid thrill on abdominal palpation and an irregular heart rhythm (144 bpm) with pulse deficits. A six-lead ECG showed focal atrial tachycardia. Doppler echocardiography revealed systolic dysfunction, dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype and the presence of a heterogeneous mass in the right atrium; this was confirmed by a CT study. Free abdominal fluid was detected, sampled and analysed: this was consistent with modified transudate secondary to right-sided congestive heart failure. The dog responded well to heart failure and anti-arrhythmic medications. He was presented 8 weeks after development of respiratory signs (cough). Investigations revealed stable cardiac disease but several radiopaque nodules within the lung parenchyma compatible with metastatic disease. Ten weeks after presentation, the dog was euthanised due to worsening of the respiratory signs.
机译:一只狗是指作者的医院下肢崩溃的进一步调查集。积极的hepatojugular回流的液体刺激腹部触诊和不规则心脏节律(144 bpm)与脉冲赤字。six-lead心电图显示局灶性心房心动过速。多普勒超声心动图显示收缩压功能障碍,扩张型心肌病表型存在的质量心房;腹腔液检测、采样和分析:这是一致的修改右侧充血性渗出液二次心力衰竭。失败和抗心律失常药物。提出了发展后8周呼吸道症状(咳嗽)。但一些显示稳定的心脏疾病不透射线的肺实质内结节兼容转移性疾病。演讲后,狗实施安乐死是因为恶化的呼吸的迹象。



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