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Behavioral medicine trial design: Time for a change


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We read with great interest the recent editorial on the efficacy of motivational interviewing (MI) for improving medication adherence and thank the authors for drawing attention to the results of the recent Osteoporosis Telephonic Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence (OPTIMA) trial. The authors highlighted that "protocolizing" an MI intervention for large-scale implementation may undermine its effectiveness by moving away from its client-centered, individualized approach, and we agree. You cannot strictly protocolize an MI intervention and call it MI. Trials of MI must tailor the design of their interventions to remain faithful to the theoretical and practical underpinnings of MI.3 The fact that the OPTIMA trial included 10 sessions that each dealt with a specific (predetermined) educational topic suggests that the intervention may have been too structured, thus comprising the integrity of the MI content and the success of the trial.
机译:我们怀着极大的兴趣读最近的社论动机性访谈的功效(MI)为提高药物依从性和感谢作者关注的结果最近的骨质疏松症电话机的干预提高药物依从性(最适条件)试验。作者强调,“protocolizing”MI干预对大规模实现可能会破坏其有效性通过移动吗从它的中心,个性化方法,我们同意。protocolize MI干预和称之为MI。MI的试验必须调整他们的设计干预措施仍忠实于MI.3的理论和实践基础最适条件的试验包括10会议,每一个特定的处理(预定)表明教育话题干预可能是太结构化,因此由MI内容的完整性和试验的成功。



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