首页> 外文期刊>Measurement automation monitoring >Examination of recognition of the direction from which an industrial truck auditory danger signal was coming

Examination of recognition of the direction from which an industrial truck auditory danger signal was coming


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The goal of the study was to assess the manner in which the direction of an industrial truck auditory danger signal is perceived in the presence of noise. A particular element of the study was the reconstruction in the laboratory of actual workplace conditions using acoustic signals recorded in the working environment, taking into account the wearing of hearing protectors. The constructed experimental set-up is described (Fig. 1, Fig. 2). A percentage of correctly determined directions was established, for workplace conditions (Fig. 4) and after reducing the ambient noise (Fig. 5). Recognition of the direction from which the sound is coming is the most difficult when the truck is directly behind the person (20% of correct answers) and in front of the person (up to 30% of correct answers). Correct recognition of the direction is much easier (80-98% of the cases), when the sound originates from the side. Lowering the ambient noise level resulted in better recognition of the direction from which sounds played in the front of the person came.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估的方式哪一个工业卡车的方向听觉感知的危险信号噪声的存在。在实验室研究重建的实际工作环境使用声信号记录在工作环境中,考虑到穿着的听力保护者。描述(图1,图2)的百分比正确地确定方向了,工作环境(图4)减少环境噪声识别(图5)声音的方向来了当卡车直接是最困难的背后的人(20%的正确答案)(30%的正确的人面前答案)。更容易(80 - 98%的情况下),当声音源于。噪音水平导致更好的识别声音在前面的方向的人来了。




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